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State Retailers' Annual

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(Continued from Page 14) of California and to the expansion program of said association during the past year;

Furthermore, it is the wish of this association that honorable mention be made for the able assistance given to us at all times by their Mr. Paul Overend.

RESOLVED, that it is the sense of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, in convention assembled, that a vote of appreciation be extended to the East Bay Lumbermen's Institute-Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 of Oakland-C. R. Buchanan, and James H. McKeon, as committeemen for their untiring efiorts in providing facilities for our business sessions and entertainment in connection with the annual meeting of this association held at Hotel Oakland, Oakland, California, November 19, 20, and 21, l93l; that the secretary of this association be instructed to convey writ- ten expression of this appreciation to those herein named, RESOLVED, that all members of this Association here assembled, express, by rising vote, their appreciation Ior the splendid results obtained by virtue of the untiring efforts of our president, FI. A. Lake, for his part in promoting the interest of our association at all times; coordinating all factors of the industry, creating local associations and strengthening the friendly feeling of cooperative spirit that exists between those engaged in the lumber and building material industries in California.

Southwestern Portland Cement Comgany Monolith Portland Cement Company whose financial assistanc€ contributed in a large measure towards the success of the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's A,ssociation held at Hotel Oakland, Oakland, California, November 19, 20, and 21, l93l; and that the secretary be and is hereby instructed to write a letter to each of the firms above mentioned expressing the thanks of the association for their assistance.

RESOLVED, that those persons and firms who contracted for advertising in the 1931 Year Book of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association and who contracted for exhibit spaces in our convention hall, be writtena letter expressing the appreciation of our association for their assistance.

RESOLVED, that it is the sense of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, in convention assembled, that a vote of thanks be extended to the following:

Alameda County Board of Supervisors

Alameda County Chamber of Commerce

Pacific Portland Cement Company

Santa Cruz Portland Cement Comoanv

Calaveras Cement Comparry

Henry Cowell Lime and Cement Company

Yogemite Portland Cement Company

Riverside Cement Company California Portland Cement Company

WHEREAS, it is the consensus of opinion of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association in convention assembled at Hotel Oakland, Oakland, California, November 19th, 20th and 21st, 1931, that the present cost of money for home building is exorbitant and unjust in comparison to the cost of current money for commercial purposes and stock speculation; and

WHEREAS, we believe there is a great necessity at the present time to encourage home building and home ownership both fromthe standpoint of giving employment to and creating in our industrial population a greater loyalty to Government, inasmuch as home ownership is the strongest tieof fealty to our flag. Therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Congress of the United States and the Legislature of the State of California be urged to proceed attheir next assemblages to enact the necessary legislation to provide for the equitable adjustment of this condition, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Federal Reserve Act be so amended as to broaden its power and make home mortgages paper acceptable for re-discount privilege through member

Wet lumber and ttfret wotk" went together in the old days before kiln drying!

Moore Dry Kiln Company

banks and that the National Bank Act be also amended so as to permit national banks to invest a larger percentage of their term deposits in home mortgages; and be it further RESOLVED, that whatever structure may be set up to accomplish these purposes shall be on such a financial basis that it will be self-supporting and will not result in any financial loss or added tax burden to the people.

Friday Evennig

A joint banquet with the Millwork Institute of California was held in the evening in the Ball Room of Hotel Oakland. After a splendid entertainment program dancing was continued until midnight.

Saturday Morning

A meeting of the old and new boards of directors was held at8 a.m., after which the announcement was made that the election of officers would be deferred for 90 days.

Ladies' Entertainment

The ladies' entertainment was in the hands of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Dalton, who arranged a very interesting program.

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