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East B.y Hoo Hoe Will Help Needy

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Announcement that the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club will again arrange for the distribution of hundreds of kegs of staple groceries to needy families of the East Bay district at Christmas time was made by President Earle Johnson at the club's monthly dinner meeting held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Monday evening, November 14.

President Johnson appointed Gordon D. Pierce, Boorman Lumber Co., chairman of the committee that will handle the distribution. He will be assisted by Earl Davis, N. E. Nelson, Miland R. Grant, Con Sheehan and Clem Fraser. Gordon Pierce announced that contributions will be accepted from firms and individuals in all branches of the industry.

Will C. Wood, of the Bank of America, Oakland, former State Superintendent of Public Instru,ction and State Superintendent of Banks, delivered an address on "The Outlook for Business", whigh included a statement of the operation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and its effect on general business. Mr. Wood's talk was much appre,ciated by the gathering, which was one of the largest in recent years.

Jack Dionne, publisher of "The California Lumber Merchant", was called upon by the chairman for a brief talk. Jack told some stories in his best style. One or two of these were from his recently published book of Negro stories, "Cullud Fun", and all received the kind of laughter heard all too seldom in these recent days.

Bert Bryan, Supreme Arcanoper of Hoo lloo, urged renewal of membership in fnternational Hoo Hoo by all whose membership has lapsed, pointing out that $5.00 covers renewal and dues for the coming year, and that if this is paid to the secretary of the club, 20 per cent of the dues will go to the club.

Vocal entertainment rvas furnished by the "Cheer Leaders", former NBC entertainers.

Se'cretary Carl Moore requested that all members who send their dues to International Hoo Hoo to give their Hoo Hoo number, or enclose the bill received from headquarters with their remittance.

George Geary Enters Insurance Business

George E. Geary is now connected with the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States with headquarters at 111 Seventh Street, Los Angeles. Mr. Geary is well known to the lumber fraternity of Southern California, and was formerly associated with E. J. Stanton & Son, of Los Angeles, calling on the retail trade in the "Kite" and Riverside districts.

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