2 minute read
Buys Inland Empire Holdings of Architecb Confer With Clients
Edwards & Bradlord Lbr. Co. and Manufacturels
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 2l.-What is said to be the largest lumber deal closed in the vicinity of Spokane in the last three years was announced this week in the purchase by the Long Lake Lumber company of Spokane, of the Inland Empire assets of the Edwards & Bradford Lumber Company of Elk. I't involves the sawmill plant and general store at Elk, a large retail lumber yard at Hillyard and 42,W acres of timber land, logged off lands, and lands sold under contract. The negotiations, extending over some months, were conducted by James M. Brown, president of the Long Lake, with the owners of the Edwards & Bradford property at Chicago. Ed Lundas of Wichita, Kansas, conducted the final negotiations for the latter'interests. All of the bills receivable of the selling company in this territory are included in the sale. The Long Lake company is now in charge of the property.
"While the big mill at Elk will not be operated for the present we intend to keep it intact," said Mr. Brown. "The mercantile business at Elk will be operated by us, as well as the retail yard at Hillyard. We take over the land sold on contract and in addition thousands of acres desirable for settlement. The timber lands are mostly in Stevens and Pend Oreille counties, Washington, and Bonner county, f daho."
The Edrvards & Bradford mill at Elk is a fully equipped plant, which has not been operating in the last few years, since the company began closing out its interest in this territory. The Long Lake Lumber company owns the Phoenix sawmill and a pldning mill and retail and wholesale yards in Spokane.
In an effort to foster a closer relationship between the architect, owner and manufacturer, forty-four leading Los Angeles architects inaugurated a program during the month of November which included half day conferences with clients and building material manufacturers in the Architects Building Material Exhibit, Los Angeles.
Each architect spent a half day during the month in the display rooms to confer with the manufacturers, investigate the latest in materials and devices, and to meet his clients and show them the actual installation of the materials which he planned to specify. According to present plans, the same schedule is to be followed during December and January.
Among the architects who have participated in this activity are: Gordon B. Kaufmann, Roland E. Coate, Reginald D. Johnson, Harold Chambers, Carlton Monroe Winslow, John Byers, H. Roy Kelley, Newton and Murray, Paul Williams, Ralph C. Flewelling, Arthur Kelly and Joe Estep, Palmer Sabin, Witmer and Watson, Heth Wharton, MarshSmith and Powell, Garrett Van Pelt Jr., Gable and Wyant, W. L. Risley, Richard J. Neutra, R. M. Schindler, Hibbard and Gerity, Henry Withey, A. C. Zimmerman, L. A. Parker, Vincent Palmer, William H. Harrison, and Allen Ruoff.
Seeley Lumber Co. has opened a new yard on Blackstone Avenue, Fresno. Mr. Seeley, the manager, was formerly manager of the Fresno yard of the Tilden Lumber & Mill Co.