3 minute read
?aul Bunyan's" Log Cabin Boolc Offers Many Dgaler Helps
"Paul Bunyan's" Log Cabin Book, an attractive and useful booklet, containing many dealer helps to sell log cabins, has just been published by The Red River.Lumber Company. The book contains 4O pages with 1'lO illustrations and 22 new plans. New ideas in built-ins, fireplace construction, interior walls, log corners, windows, cabin doors, cabin walls, shutters, windows, exterior color treatments, what can be done within a given budget which is as far as it is practicable to go into a book for general circulation.
For those about to experience the joys sf cabin building, it states: "Planning is one of the great pleasures of building and owning a home and your cabin is the home of your hours of relaxation. You will visualize your life in a cabin and develop your plan accordingly. You live the vacation days in anticipation and your paper arrangement is one ol the manv ittustrations appearing in hints for cabin builders, building details, etc., are also dis- will be shifted and changed as discussion brings out details cussed and illustrated. The bright orange colored cover and crystalizes the dream into reality." carries a beautiful photograph on the front cover illustra- This complete guide to planning and building is written ting Paul Bunyan's "Hewed .Cedar" pecky cedar siding, to bring the prospects to the dealer for information and extension log ends and Dutch cabin door. prices. The price of the book to the dealer is 10 cents,
The floor diagrams and sketches in the book are offered postage free, and the dealer's name will be printed on the as suggestions to assist in planning cabins. The costs book without charge. Bookb may be sold or distributed listed are approximate, to give a starting point in deciding free just as the dealer prefers.
Fresno Yard Has New Manager
Mitch Landis, formerly with the Noah Adams Lumber Co., has been appointed manager of the Tilden Lurnber & Mill'Company's yard at Fresno.
Young Lumberman
There is rejoi'cing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Burns of Bakersfield over the arrival of a son. Mr. Burns is manager of the Kern County Lumber Co., Bakersfield.
Recalls Purchase of Redwood Fence Posts Made 49 yearc Ago
Away back in 1883 (some of you lumber youngsters can remember back to that time) the San Diego Lumber Company was operating a lumber yard in San Diego, just as it does today, when in walked a father and son, ranchers, who wanted materials for eleven miles of fencing for their ranch. They ended by buying Redwood posts to build that fence, whi.ch was of barb wire construction.
Within the last month W. E. Gird, the son, visited the office of the San Diego Lumber Company and recalled the time he and his father bought and built that fence. It still stands, he reported, sound and good for many decades to come. The ranch is near Bonsall. which is not far from San Diego.
The folks at the office of the San Diego Lumber Company got quite a kick out of that visit. The fact that the Redwood posts were sound and giving service af.ter 49 years did not surprise them, but the return of the buyer after that length of time was quite an event.
By the way, the San Diego Lumber Company, which belongs to the Dolbeer & Carson interests of San Francisco has been operating in San Diego since 1869, and during all that time has had but four yard managers. Harry McGahey, the present manager, is the fourth in line.
B. E. Bryan Sends Letter to Hoo l'{oo Membership
Starting a membership drive and to stimulate interest in Hoo Hoo, B. E. Bryan, of Oakland, Arcanoper on the Supreme Nine, has sent a letter to the California membership. In his letter he says that the Supreme Niire have pledged an economical administration for the coming year, also that a resolution was passed at the last annual meeting allowing all members a year or more in arrears in dues to be reinstated at $5.00 which includes dues for the year.
His letter in part follows:
"Do we need Hoo-Hoo International ? Is the continuance of Hoo-Hoo International of sufiicient moment to us to justify membership and a constru,ctive interest in its affairs? The answer to both of these vital questions is an emphatic YES.
'"The Supreme Nine will pledge an economical administration during the ensuing Hoo-Hoo year. But this alone will not place our Order in its rightful place in the industry -your membership and active interest are imperative.
"I do not like to contemplate the lumber industry without Hoo-Hoo. The good times we have had together-the pleasant contacts made-the opportunity to really know our fellow lumbermen-are some of the things which we will not relinquish.
"Shall we have two or three concatenations in different parts of the State this year, just to renew our acquaintances and friendships ?
"Send your check for membership renewal to Carl R. Moore, local secretary, 142 Beverly, San Leandro, California, for quick, careful attention. Send it now, while you are thinking of how much we need Hoo-Hoo."