1 minute read

Schumacher Announces Lowest Price Ever Made on Grip Lath

Effective November 21st the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation, of Los Angeles, announces a new low price on five-sixteenths Grip lath-their well known brand of quality plaster lath-that has set the trade completely agog. The price is 9 cents a yard F. O. B. car or truck at their Los Angeles plant. This is five and one-half cents a yaqd cheaper than it has ever sold before in the history of the company.

Likewise the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation announces that they are at the same time establishing the pribe which the consuming trade shall pay the dealer, nainely, two and one-half cents above the wholesale price. Inr ll-os Angeles, therefore, where there is no freight to be p"iFt thi- ietail price of Grip lath is eleven and one-half ceflts. Elsewhere the retail price shall be the same with freight added.

Determined to meet competition and keep its factory go- ing and its employes working, Schumacher takes this very determined step. They fix the retail price in order that the dealer may have a fair profit on the Grip lath business he does, yet is prevented in any case from adding so great a mark-up as to defeat the purpose of the price cut, which is solely to get business and induce people to buy lath and build.

Earl Galbraith, Sales Manager for Schumacher, states that at this nerv low price, a wall can be built of Grip lath for the sa-e co-pieted price as a wall of wooden lath and plaster; a wall that does not buckle, warp, crack, or chip, and is fireproof. He believes that this new low price will have the effect of inducing people to build, and hopes that with the cooperation of the lumber dealers and other legitimate dealers, building work may be thus assisted in getting under way, men returned to work, and the building business in particular, and all business in general, may be thus materially strengthened and aided.

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