1 minute read
Ho* Flintkote Dealers are making real profit on sales of re-roofing products
HE customer who wants to buy a LOT for a LITTLE has always been a profit problem. When he buys re-roofing or roofing repairs, he wants the best job he can get for the least amount of money.
Several Flintkote Dealers have found a selling story for this typ. of buyer . one that clicks, and pays a generous profit too! The product is Flintkote Asphalt Emulsion. Here is an item crammed full of more genuine sales advantages than anything of its kind in the entire field!
When you tell yorrr cus- tomer about its use for roof coatingi1s permanent protection of enduring asphaltits simplicity of COLD applicationits extremely low costyou have offered him more roofing value per dollar than he can buy in any other material!
Flintkote Asphalt Emulsion is priced to give your customer a lot for a little; it is priced to give YOU a substantial profit besides. Build a counter and window display of Flintkote Asphalt Emulsion . . . it will help you make a red margin of profit on your re-roofing material sales!