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Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less Might be Left Out

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It was away back in the old days of polygamy in Salt Lake City, and one of the Mormon elders was taking unto himself several wives, all at the same time.

The officiating cl,ergyman was somewhat hard of hearing, and he found the wives to be somewhat timid and backward in giving their responses to several questions asked in the marriage ceremony, which rather nettled him, and ruffled his not-too-good temper.

"Do you take these women to be your laurful wedded wives?" he asked, and in stentorian tones the bridegroom 3n5$rgggd-"I do."

"And do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asked of the brides.

The answer was low-toned and rather indistinct. The preacher glared.

"Some of you girls in the back row are going to have to speak up louder if you want to get in on this," he remarked, icily.

Portland Wholcsalers Organize Rcdwood Calendar

To meet the urgent need for a wholesalers'organization able to cooperate rvith manufacturers association in consideration of mutual problems now confronting the industry, the Portland Wholesale Lumber association has recently been organized. Organization was completed at a luncheon meeting, after several preliminary meetings, and impromptu meetings between wholesalers and manufacturers. Officers are: E. T. Sturgeon, Morill & Sturgeon Lumber Co., president; Harry P. Edward, Columbia Harbor Lumber Co., vice-president; and W. G. Dalin, Lewis & Dalin (Inc.), secretary-treasurer. The following additional concerns were represented:

Aldrich-Cooper Lumber Co., H. J. Anderson Lumber Co., Wm. H. Anderson Lumber Co., Dant & Russell, Denman Timber Co., Griswold Lumber Co., Edward Hines Pacific Coast Lumber Co., Klickitat Fir Lumber Co., McDonald & Harrington, Mclean Lumber Co., Nordby Lumber & Box Co., Patrick Lumber Co., Pacific Woods Co., F. W. Pettibone Lumber Co., Prendergast Co., J. V. G. Posey & Co., Skookum Logging Co. (Inc.), Elmer I. Stoddard, Sullivan Lumber Co., Herbert T. Templeton Lumber Co., IJnion Lumber Sales Corporation, and E. K. Wood Lumber Co.

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