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Northern California Code Authority Opens Offices
In accordan'ce rvith the resolution passed by the board of directors at the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, creating a Code Authority consisting of 21 members for administration of the Code in Division 2, Northern California, these members were elected without delay, and a meeting was held for the election of officers and an exe,cutive committee at the Whitcomb Hotel, San Francisco, November 8.
The name of the new organization, which is the authorized agency to administer the Code of Fair Competition in Northern California, is "Retail Lumber and Building Material Code Authority, In'c., and the offi,cers are as follows : Chairman, Ralph Duncan, Merced Lumber Co., Merced; vice-chairman, F. L. Dettmann, Allen & Dettmann Lumber Co., San Francis,co; secretary, D. C. E,ssley, San Francisco; treasurer, M. A. Harris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco.
National Code Authority Member, Elmore King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield.
Exe,cutive Committee: Ralph Duncan, chairman; D. C. Essley, executive secretary; F. L. Dettmann, subdivision No. 1 ; C. I. Speer, Zenith Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland, subdivision No. 2; Geo. Ley, Santa Cruz Lumber Co., Santa Cruz, subdivision No. 3; Ralph Duncan, subdivision No. 4;