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Lumber Yard For Sale
Los Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box C-480, Care California .Lumber Merchant.
Manufacturer's Account wanted for White Pine Lumber and Moulding for Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas, territory. Address Box C-499, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber in Grandstands and For Railways
Washington, Nov. 13.-The Department of l.abor and Industry of Pennsylvania, being in a hurry for a code of regulations for grandstand ,construction, has adopted and published a State safety ,code whi'ch will also be considered later by the American Standards Asso'ciation as a national safety code. S. W. Homan,. oJ the fennsylvania Department, is Chairman of the Sectional Committee on grandstands and thus rvas in a position to anticipate final actioqt of the A. S. A. His action was approved by a majority o{ the Committee. In applying the tentative code to Pennsylvania some revisions were necessary in the general clauses.
The National Lumber Manufacturers Association has been represented on the A. S. A. Grandstand Committee for many years, and due to its advice the committee'has dropped basic grades and stresses and substituted for them commencial grades and stresses. The code also incorpg.rates several of the National Lumber Manufacturer"s Association engineering clauses and mentions modern connectors as an approved method of fastening. Moreover, the painting provisions have been brought into accord with the facts.
Specifications for lumber for freight cars and locomotives which have been in preparation for some years by the mechanical division of the American Railway Association, -have been submitted to all member railways for approval. The National Lumber. Manufacturers Association'.and .the regional lumber manufacturers asso'ciations have'eooperated with the Me'chanical Division of the Railway Association in the preparation of these master car lumber specifications, with much mutual benefit. It is expected that the Federal Coordinator of Railroad Transportation will urge the different railways to adopt the new standards immedi-
Accountant Wants Connection
Competent Lumber Accountant with 24 years successful record, including management of large yard in Middle W9st, seeks connection in either capacity in California. Highest references. Address Box C-498, California lumber Merchant.
N. L. M. A. Poultry Booklet in Big Demand
Washington, November 21.-So many thousands of requests for "Poultry Flouses and Equipment" have been received that the cost has be'come an unexpectedly heavy item in the National Lumber Manufacturers Association budget. It has .consequently been found .necessary to ask applicants for the booklet hereafter to forward 10 cents in stamps or coin with their requests. A single paragraphic review of the booklet in the Farm Journal brought in over 2,ffi inquiries. Owing to the depression and the widespread interest in "subsistence homesteads" hundreds of thousands of people are becoming interested in keeping a small number of poultry and are eager for helpful information.
OlIe, Liimber House Plans
Washington.Announcement that American Forest Products Industries had arranged for the distribution of plans and specifications for a modification of the Lumber Industries Sunlight Exhibit House at the Chicago World's Fair, has evoked a flood of applications for copies, The exhibit house itself necessarily had to be adaptedi in respect to halls and somewhat in respect to the size of the rooms, to meet the necessities arising from accommo: dating thousands of visitors. The plans and specifications how offered not only follow the pattern of the exhibit house but provide alternative room arrangements. Moreover, these plans can be used as the basis of further' changes on the advice of local architects.
Several hundred lumber dealers have already asked for 'plans and specifications, and it is now certain that the course of several thoqsand proprietors and employees in ,the lumber business in providing the funds for the lumber thouse uras one of the best trade extension efforts ever undertaken.
The lumber retail'er3 everywhere ale ilso showing keen interest in the renewal bi ttre offer to provide wood block samples of. 48 species of American woods used in building. Boxes of these'sarnples are provided at cost, nainely, $1.95, plus postage. Many lurnbermen are ordering as high as half a dozen sets with the intention of presenting them to as many schools in their localities, ately.