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tYAPPAT SAWS The.Living Trce
I grew by a graveled pathwayA young and a verdant tree, And the dew, the rain and the moonbeams Came often to play with me; My voice was a lisping whisper, But I longed to be strong and tall
Like the towering pines on the hillside
That sing when the wild winds call.
And then on a winter's morning
I stood neath a leaden sky
And trembled in fear and sorrow
As the slain of my race passed by; Chill winds went sighing by me
And afar on the wooded hill, The great trees brooded darkly In a silence deep and still.
Ere long my dread grerv greater, For warm hands fondled me, And a child's voice' shouted, "daddy, Here is our Christmas tree !"
I knew that my days were numberedThat my fond, young hopes were dead; But they jeweled my living branches And placed a star on my head.
And so bedecked and bejeweled, By the graveled path I stood, A creature of life and beauty Akin to the field and tlie wood; And each throb of rny earth bound spirit
To those gentle 'hearts I give, Who decreed in love and in mercy
That a little tree should live.
A. Merriam Conner.
Annual Hl-Jinks December 15
Lumbermen's Post No. 4O3, American Legion, will hold their annual Hi-Jinks at the Hayward Hotel, 6th & Spring Streets, Los Angeles, on Friday evening, December 15, 1933. The committee has arranged for several special attractions and entertainment features. Tickets whi.ch will include dinner and entertainment will be $1.50 each.
The Arrangements Committee includes the following: T. B. Lawrence and Don Philips, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co.; Russell Gheen, C. D. Johnson Lumber Co.; Fred Morehouse, Hamrnond Lumber Company; Herman Rosenberg, Hipolito Company; Stanley Moore, Fir-'fex of Southcrn Califbrnia; Tom Tomlinson, Pacific Door & Sash Co.; H. W. Brown, The Celotex Company; Ed Biggs, Union Lumber Company; Jack Brush, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co.; D. J. MacDougall, MacDougall & Cole; Bill Cuzner, Kerckhoff-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co., and J. A. McNeill, Lounsberry & Harris.
A big turnout is expected to attend this annual party. Telephone your feservations to T. B. Lawrence, LawrencePhilips Lumber Co., Los Angeles-PRospect 0229.