4 minute read



San Francisco Office: 260 California St.

F. J. O'Connor, Prer. and Gen. Mgr. - Phone GArfield 5645 Los Angeles Ofrce: Petroleurn Securities Bldg.

Clint Laughlin, Dirtrict Manager . Phone PRospect 2703


!Y. R. Chuberlin & Co. ., , , .San Franciro and Los Angeles

Donovu Lumber Co. .,.......,....,.,,.,..,.....San Fnnclgco and Los Angelea

Easteru & Westem Lmber Co.........,............Port|ud and San Franciro

J. C. llamilton .San Franciso

Hmmod Lumber Co. ..,.,...San Fnncixo and Lc Angeler

J. R. Hanifu Co. ..San Francirco ud Lc Angeles

Hrt-Wod Lumber Co. .......,.Su Fnnciso

A. B. Jqhnson Lumber Co. ,....San Fruciso

C. D. Johnson Lumber Co. ,...San Fnncieco and Lc Angeles

Alvin N. Lofgren........ ..,.....SanFnnci*o

MacDomld & Harrington .....San Fnncicco and Lc Angeler

A. F. Mahony Lumber Co. ......San Francirco

Chas, R. McCqmick Lumber Co. .,..San Francisco and Lor Antelec

McCqmick Supply Co.. ......,.Su Fluciso and lac Angales

W. J. Mulligan & Co. ...........................San Fnnic*o and Lq Angeles

Charles Nelsd Co. ....,...,.,.. SuFrociroandlosAngeler

Peramino'Lmber Cq ........,.SanFranciso

Santa Fe Lumber Co. ........San Francisco and Los Angeleo

Sudden & Cbrictemon ...Su Francirco and Los Angelcr

Trcwq Lumber Co. .........,.......SanFranciso

Wendling-Nathan Co. ...........................San Franci*o and Los Angclee

R. O. Wilson & Son ... San Francicco

Wilson Bru. & Co. ..SanFnnc'sco and Lc Angeles

E. K. W@d Lumber Co. .....San Francisco and Los Angeles

Hill & Morton, Inc. .........,..

Pyranid Lumber Sala Co.

Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills

Brckstaver-Bums Lumber Co. ...,........,

Brooks Lumber Co. ,...........

Gripper & Haglind

Kerckhoff-Cuaer Lumber Co.

Lawace-Philips Lunber Co.

Patien-Bl'nn Lmber Co.

E. L. Reltz Compay

Su Pedro Lumber Co.

C. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton, subdivision No. 5; E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, subdivision No.6; R.B. Stevens, A. F. Stevens Lumber Co., Healdsburg, subdivision No. 7.

Code Authority Members: Subdivision No. 1, F. L. Dettlnann, San Francisco; F. M,cNulty, McNulty Lumber Co., San Bruno; T. L. Hubbard, Hubbard & Carmichael Bros., San Jose.

Subdivision No. 2, C. I. Speer, Oakland; Jas L. Tyson, Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland; H. F. Vincent, E..K. Wood Lumber Co., Oakland.

Subdivision No. 3, Geo. Ley, Santa Cruz; Joe Kirk, Pacifi,c Coast Lumber Co., San Luis Obispo; L. M. Tynan. Tynan Lumber Co., Salinas.

Subdivision No. 4, Ralph Duncan, Merced; F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno; Elmore King, Bakersfield.

Subdivision N,o. 5, C. G. Bir,d, Stockton; Warren Tillson, Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto; L. H. Elliott, Lodi.

Subdivision No. 6, E. T. Robie, Auburn; J. H. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento; fra E. Brink, The Diamond Match Co., Chico.

Subdivision No. 7, R. B. Stevens, Healdsburg; Mead Clark, Santa Rosa; Chas. Lund, San Raphael.

Ofiflces have been opened at 603 Newhall Building, 260 California Street, San Fran,cisco.

Dee Essley is in charge. Telephone number is GArfield 7r83.

Morgan Doyle, of the firm of Humphrey, Searls, Doyle & MacMillan, has been appointed to serve as attorney and legal advisor to the new organizatton.

The executive committee meets ea,ch Saturday in the offices.

Makes Two Round Trips By Air To New York In Three Weeks

Walter J. Mulligan, of W. J. Mulligan & Co., San Francisco, arrived back in San Francisco on Wednesday, November 22 alter a lveek's absence on a round trip by air to New York, Chicago and Washington. On the return half of the trip he left Chicago Tuesday evening at 9:30 p.m.. l>reakfasted at Cheyenne, Wyo., and had lunch in San Francisco at noon on Wednesday.









Schafer Brc- Lumber & ShingleCo. ,..........,...Montesano md Lc Angeles

Tacoma Luber Sales Agency and Los Angeles

This was Mr. Mulligan's Secord transcontinental jaunt in a period of three weeks, the first being some kind of a record for conservation of time. On this journey he left San Francisco on a Monday evening, spent a night and a day in Chicago, and two nights and two days in Nerv York, and was back at his desk in San Francisco first thing Saturday morning, having been away only four days and five nights.

Trrohy Lumber Co.

Angelc St-Paul & Tacma Lumber Co.

E. U. Wbe1ck.................


It is interesting to recall that Mr. Mulligan holds the distinction of having been the first passenger to travel all the rvay from the United States to Buenos Ayres by air. This trip to the Argentine was made two years ago.

Johnny Fixed It

The minister called at the Smith home on Sunday afternoon and asked for Mr. Smith. Little Johnny, who answered the door, told him:

"Pa ain't home. He's gone over to the golf club for the afternoon."

Then, seeing the clergyman's brow darken, he.saw that something should be said in explanation, so he hazarded:

"Oh, Pa didn't go over there to play golf. Not on Sunday. Pa never plays golf on Sunday. He just went over there for a few highballs, and some stud poker."


When I am gone I know the earth Shall still with blossoms bloom, And lilies open wide their hearts

And spill their pale perfume; f know the moon shall still arise

And sunsets fade alvay, And stars shall burst in sudden light

When starlight closes dayOver fields and over hills

Where purple breezes sing, But I shall be afar, asleep, Lost in some far-flung spring.

When I am gone I wonder if You'll go the same old ways

And sing and laugh through happy hours

As in the olden days-

When you and I, as sweethearts, trod Moonlit field and heatherI wonder if you'll sing the songs

We long have sung together; And if your dreams will be of me, Or will you gaily go

Another way, without a care-?

(Deep in my heart I know !)

-Daniel Whitehead Hicky.


He-"A month ago my wife left me without any reason."

She-"I noticed it was gone, but didn't understand why."

Yes Indeed

frate Church \i[/srn3n-"Why don't you arrbst that Nudist Colony that is disgracing this neighborhood?"

Sheriff-"I would, but it's mighty hard to get anything on tem.tt


There is nothing so interesting or so important in business as the development and the growth of the people engaged in it. When a group of well trained men and wornen make a planned, coordinated effort toward any objective, are sincere in their ideals, do whatever they are doing in a happy, cheerful, confident way, they are bound to succeed. It does not matter what line of business they follow. They cannot fail !-T. H. McCracken.


"What happened in 1483?" asked the teacher.

"Luther was born."

"Right. And what happened in L487?"

"Luther was four years old."


My entire span of life is from the time I awake in the morning until I go to sleep at night. The past is over; the future hasn't come. I do not worry over the one, or fear the other, for my concern is making a fine job of today.-Vash Young.

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