1 minute read
9, fltln
I hope that er.ery lunrberman Wherever he may be, Will find the gifts his heart desires Upon his Christmas tree; I hope he'll have no carlse to pine Through all the years to come, Or mutter rvith a rufflecl brorv, Expletives like, "by gum !"
I hope his ceclar chest rvill be Filled ful1, rrp to the top; And tl.rzLt his lrunl>er will not u'ar1r ()r suffer from clry rot ; I hope that customers u.il1 beat A pathr,va-v to his door, Ancl that the sun of joy 'rr.ill shinc Across l.ris oaken floor.
I liope his rnoclern trucks rvill Upon a rvicle, smooth track, And when they take a big load orrt They'll fetch good rvill right back; I hope that every day rvill be A banner clay for him, And kindlv rleecls ancl kindly thoughts Will fill his soul rvith vim.
I hope that e\rery lumbermar-r Wherever he may be.
\Vill see tl.rc golclen star of hope Above his Christrnas tree; I hope the coming year rvill bring The gifts his spirit craves,
And Peace, Good Will and Makc racliant l'ris da1's.
A. Merriam
Happiness Conner.
l)r. Clalence Reidenbach, of First Congregational Church, Oakland, gave an interesting address on "Benjamin liranklin, The Greatest Uuknown American," at the rlinner rneeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club. helcl at the Atl'rerrs Athletic Club. Oakland. November 21.
\rice-president Jas. B. Overcast presided in the absence of l'resident Shirley C. Forsey.
Art Thompson and Barbara Reeves provided the musical program.
IJenry N.{. a cliscnssion on the Club's Christmas
11i11 Chatham created a lot of fun rvhen he appearecl in Pilgrim costume to carry out his duties as sergeant at arms drrring the period rvhen fines were being assessed by the chairman.
Gco. R. Ilidemiller, salesman for the r,vholesale clepartrncnt of Hogan l-umber Companv, Oaklancl, made a busincss trip to Los Angeles early ir.r Novernber.
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