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Rate---$Z.5o Per Column Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Can take off plans, do detailed office work" estimate, sell or buy, have managed a small yard, full knowledge of F.H.A., likes work, married, age 48, have own car, could invest, at preseart employed- Address BoxC-727 California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Very fine Los Angeles suburban yard. Fine living conditions. Real estate $6,000 but could be bought on terms. Improvements and equipment $12,250. Inventory $10,000. Also good yard in Nevada. $25,000 but two-thirds cash will handle.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 87+6.
Lumber And Building Material Salesman Wants Position
Experienced lumber and building material salesman, who can take off plans, estimate and do detail office work seeks permanent opening. Married, age 42 and have own car. Willing to move anywhere, and leave remuneration open, to be determined by results. Address Box C-730, California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
California retail lumberrnan, experienced in accounting and yard management. Good on credits and collections. Well posted on F.H.A. Family man. Go anywhere. What have you?
Address H. R. Penney, Cottonwood, Calif.
Will Buy Lumber Yard
Want Northern California lumber yard. Trade San Francisco income property. Address Box C-728 California Lumber Merchant.
Seeks Employment
Capable Manager, now employed, seeks employment in larger field.' Age 33, married. Can figure material lists and millwork. Address Box C-729, California Lumber Merchant.
Married man wants position as yard clerk or foreman. 15 years' experience in retail lumber business. Well acquainted with all building supplies. Can give the best of references and will go any place. Address Box C-731 California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber and Log Exports and lmports
(Continued from Page 23) and 47p75 M feet (87,698) were hardwood lumber and ing to preliminary figures supplied by the Bureau of the sawed cabinet woods. Customs and Treasury Department.
In the logs group, imports of fir, spruce, or western hemlock accounted for 61,530 M feet (57,835), cedar 35,937 M feet (15,761), and mahogany 16,917 M feet (18,576).
In the softwood lumber group, spruce was the most important species imported, totaling 132,659 M feet (245.102). Imports of fir and hemlock combined totaled 123,302.M feet (106,053) and imports of pine totaled 39,680 M feet (69,368).
With reference to the above import statistics, mention should be made that sawed railroad ties, pickets, and box shooks are not included (even though they are considered as lumber items) for the reason that the figures are not readily available in terms of board feet.
The reciprocal trade agreement signed by the United States and Canada allotted Canada &n ?r:rual quota of 250,000,000 board feet of Douglas fir and Western hemlock to enter the United States at $2.00 duty and excise tax.
From January 1 to October l, 1938, imports of these woods subject to this quota totbled I27,@4,172 board feet, accord-
The Bureau of Customs announced September D that the quota on importation of red cedar shingles from Canada was filled September 28. Therefore, further importations of this commodity may not be admitted to entry for consumption until the beginning of the next quota period on January l,1939.
Detailed monthly statistics on the U. S. exports and imports of hardwood and softwood logs and lumber are compiled by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce and are available from the Bureau on a subscription basis. Special statistics covering imports subject to quota are compiled by the Customs Bureau and are made available to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
Grant Robertson, sales manager of Portland Lumber Mills, Portland, was an interested spectator at the California-Stanford big game, November 19.