4 minute read
New Book on Super-Harbord Plywood
East Bay Club Expresses Sympathy to Family of Late James Tyson
The following is a copy of resolutions on the passing of James 'fyson aclopted by East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 at their reguiar meeting held at tl.re Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on N{onday, November 21.
WIJEREAS, Divine Provider.rce has reuror-ecl frorn ottr tnidst, James Tyson, who for a half centtlry has been tnost prornir.rently iclentified with the lumber ancl shipping business of the Pacific Coast; an active leader in organizations of lumber manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in tl-re L)ouglas Fir, Redwood, and California White Pine indttstries, both clomestic and foreign ; as n,ell as in shiltowners grottps; and
WHEREAS, I\{r. Tyson'rvas noted for his tireless devotion to the active duties imposecl upon hirn by his heavy l>usiness responsibilities, yet fincling tirne for organization tasks inherent in his large business connections; and
WHEREAS, James Tyson clevoted much personal effort aucl private funds to public and private charities, as rvell as to civic, political, and rvelfare organizatious of many rvide interests, especially such as the Boy Scouts, Salvation Arrny, ancl cluring the World War, to all the Unitecl States organizations, therefore be it
-'\rr illustrated descriptive catalog ancl gracle use guicle on Supcr-llarborcl and other plywood products, is just off the press. It is of interest to dealers, cotnractors, architects, engineers, and others professionally interested in plyrvood.
The title is "Information on Super-Harborcl and Other I Iar'lrord Prodttcts," ancl copies are available from the Harbor Plyu'oocl Corporation, of Hoquiam, Washington.
The book discusses the use of outdoor plywood for homes, service stations, lumber yards, industrial and utility
RIISOLVED, that East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 irr regular meeting assembled this date do hereby tender to tl-re members of N{r. Tyson's family our tleep sympathy in their great loss, and be it further builclings, ancl also is filled rvith information on plywood ancl its use for concrete forms, boats, signs, farm uses, and a scorc of other applications.
RESOLVED, That a copy of these Resolutions be sent to the bereaved family, to the lumber press, ancl also be incorporated in the recorcls of this Club, rvhose membership is representative of all branches of the lumber and shipping trade of the San Francisco Bay region.
When You Sell
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customerg the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.
Mqy Opcn New Field for Lumber
Washington, Nov. 15.-A method of roof truss design that rnay open up a new field in timber truss design was recently incorporated in the Sunday School building auditorium of the First Presbyterian Church in Nerv Orleans, La. This system departs {rom the conventionai rough structnral truss pattern, combir.ring rvorking and finishing members rvith smooth, finished joints to produce an economical and ornamental truss suitable for churches. synagogues, temples and other similar structures.
The truss, designed by Sam Stone & Son, Inc., architects and engineers, is of the scissors type rvith a 38-ft. span. It has a rise of approximately 8 ft. and a 9-ft. clear height altove the supports at the center. The l;ottom cl.rorcl is rnade up of trvo pieces of 2"x8" lumber rvith the top chorcl consisiing of trvo pieces of 7'x10" and one piece 3"xlf'. Modern split ring timber connectors and shear plate connectors are used in all connections.
All of the lumber used, except the ltottom facia and moulclirrgs, acts as stressed members as well as finished or "appearance" members, and with its smooth, flush joints the appearance of the truss is the same as if a sheathecl steel truss hacl been usecl.
A load test to determine the strength and rigidity of the trusses rvas conducted by the architect ancl contractor. A load ol 12,@O lbs. rvas applied to the truss, suspendecl by means of ropes which rvere attached to trvo movable platforms piled n'ith brick. The full load u,as equally dir.icled, 6,300 lbs. being placed on each platform. The test rvas made to determine the movement or spreacl at the rvalls. No inclication of either factor .ivas uoticecl b1' the architect or contractor clearly illustrating the l-rigl-r rigiclitland strength of the trusses. The equivalent loads or stresses set up b1' the test l.rave not been determined, but Mr. Stone declared it to be the approximate equivalent of the design load. The construction rvork tvas done bv Reimann Construction Co., Inc.. of Nerv Orleans.
Outside rvalls surfaced with an amazing neu. and versatile material macle of cork ancl liquid rubber, will be one of a number of unique features of the National Cash Register Company's building at the New York World's Fair 1939. Called "Monocork," this material is being used as srlrfacing for "The Road of Tomorrow" at the near-by Ford Building, and as a non-slip surface for the exciting Helicline which is a rvalkrvay leacling from the Perispl.rere to tl.re grouncl.
Chips From The Forest
The Unitecl States Forest Service reports that big garr.re on the national forests has increased at an average rate of 10 per cent a year since 1921.
Seventy-five per cent of the fornia graze on the 18 national the summer season.
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