1 minute read

Quit Worrying About Your Competitors

Bv Jack Dionne

Quit worrying crbout your competitors.

They cre the lile ol trode.

They are the spice ol lile.

They crre cr grecd constructive element in YOITR business.

Without them you would be c mossbqck, your business would never proltress or develop, you would never get cnyrrrhere.

Without them your trcrde would be bcdly served, your business would be cr thing oI reprocrch in YOUR town.

Your would iust be iogging clong in a constcntly deepening rut,

It is your competitor that keeps you up on your toes, ccsting cbout lor new idecrs, seekingr lor new service thcrt you mcy render your trcde, secrrching lor ways cnd mecns to mcrke your business more efficient.

II it were not lor competitors this country would be cs lcr behind the times cs Chincr. II it were not lor YOTIB competitors, you would be crs lqr behind as q Chinese merchcnt.

Thcnk God lor your competitor. You SHOIILD. So should your customers.

II your competitor is cheqd oI you, you hcve something crdditioncl to strive Ior. Don't squecrl cnd mcke excuses. Look yoursell over cnd see whcrt you ccn do to ccrtch up with him.

Plcy the game hcrrder, strcighter, cnd stronger. Go qt it with qll the brains you hcve, cnd with crll the brcins you hire.

Don't settle down qnd be cr tail-ender beccuse your competitor may be mcrking it extrc hot lor you. Show him you cre hot stuff yoursell

You reclly should be thcnklul lor your competitors.

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