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Icck Dionne's Book oI Fcrvorite Stories in Diclect
A Limited Number oI This Populcrr Book Remain Unsold, The Price is at the Cafe Madrid, San November 21. The club early part of December.
One of the most attractive exhibits ever seen at a lumbermen's convention was the clisplay of beautiful, large sandblasted "factory finished" panels shorvn by The Red River Lumber Co. at the California retailers' convention. Rert Smith was in charge.
Bread boards made of five-ply Pine plyr,voocl cut in the shape of a pig were given away and these were so. popular that several cases of them disappeared in a short time. Bert was forced to tell the late comers that the pigs had all walked away.
The office personnel of tl-re E. K. Wood Lumber Co.. Los Angeles, with their guests ancl friends, held a delightIul party at the Central Manufacturing District Club House. Saturday evening, November 17. Follorving the dinner. there u'as an entertainment program ancl clancing.
The fifth annual conference of the Millrvork Institute of California was held at the Hotel Whitcomb, San Francisco. November 22-23. Offrcers elected for the ensuing year were A. W. Bernhauer, Fresno, president; J. G. Kennedy, Sau Francisco, and A. J. Todhunter, Los Angeles, vice-presidents ; E. A. Nicholsorr, Los Angeles, treasLlrer; and H. J. Diclesch, nranaging director.
$l.oo PER GOPY
Delivered Anlnnhere in the United Stcrtes Postpcid
Icck Dionne
318 Cenbcl Building
Loe Angelee, Ccrliloraic
Enclosed fin..l ( ) dollors lor which plecrse send me postpoid ( ) copies ol "Lotsq" Fun.
G. Frank Nolan, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., San Diego, u'as elected president of the Merchants' Central Credit Association of San Diego on November 15. During the past year he served as vice-president of the organization.
A. A. Tomlinson, general ffranager of Pacific Wood Products Corporation, Los Angeles, is back from a business trip to Arizona.
Co., Los Angeles, company's rnill at need HIGH GRADE Hardwoods? \(/yBRO Brand you
Property lmprovement Loans Insured bv FHA Over $700,000,000
Property improvement loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration have crossed the $700,000,000 mark,. Administrator Stewart McDonald has announced.
The total amount of these loans, which are insured under Title I of the National Housing Act, was $7M,959,4O9 on November 19. This figure was composed of 1,768,536 separate notes. Of the total, 3l?,ffi notes in the amount of $143,987,310 have been insured since the Property Improvement Credit Plan rvas revived as a result of amendments to the National Housing Act in February.
The major part of the number and amount of these loans since February have been for improvements to small residential dwellings of one to four families and for new structures, Mr. McDonald said. Approximately 87 per cent of the number of loans and 75 per cent of the amount of loans through September 30 were for new structures or improvements to small residential dwellings.
Structural alterations and additions and roofing bulked together comprised the major item of expenditure for 31.5 per cent of the aggregate of loans insured between February and September 30. Alterations and additions represented 23 per cent of this amount, and orofing represented 8.5 per cent.
For 26.5 pe,r cent of the total amount, the major expenditure was for exterior painting and interior finishing. In 9.8 per cent of the volume, the expenditure was for "new structures,l' either residential or non-residential. This does not include residential construction and purchase financed under the insured mortgage provisions of Title II of the National Housing Act.
Heating and plumbing were the major items of expenditure for 23.9 per cent of the total amount of notes reported, with 16.3 per cent for heating and7.6 per cent for plumbing.
For the remaining 8.3 per cent, miscellaneous items such as electrical wiring, etc., were reported.
U,nde'r its regulations, the Federal Housing Administration insures qualified lending institutions against loss up to 1O per cent of the total amount of property improvement loans made by banks, savings and loan associations, mortg'age compa,nies, and other qualified agencies. The 10 per cent increase coverage, based on past experience and sound lending practices, constitutes virtually complete protection.
Applyins Shad-O-Grain Shinsles
One of the outstanding shingles in the new Celotex line of Triple Sealed roofing products is the Shad-O-Graina shingle rvith a raised grain in variegated colors, giving a weathered rvood effect and deep shadows.
Celotex, in announcing its entrance into the roofing busirless a few months ago, embarked upon a strict retail dealer distribution policy, exactly the same as is in effect upon its insulating board products. That policy has been firmly lived up to, according to Vice President H. W. Collins.
Mrs. Margaret Tebb
Mrs. Margaret Tebb, wife of Neal A. Tebb, salesman for A. L. Hoover of Los Angeles, passed away at the Santa Ana Valley Ho'spital, Santa Ana, on November 7, follorving a short illness.
Besides her husband, she is survived by a young son; her father and mother of Long Beach, Wash., and a sister of Tacoma. Wash. Funeral services were held at Tacoma.
Back From Trip To Minnesota
'Amos Geib, Geib Lumber Company, Huntington Park, has returned from a month's trip to Minnesota. He traveled by automobile, and went on to Detroit where he bought a new Buick. The last day of the trip he drove from Gallup, New Mexico, to Los Angeles, a distance of about 700 miles.
AtrrNsoN-Sturz ConapaNy