2 minute read


"Colif. Pcnel" is the oldest exclusive Plywood Distributor in the West ond is constcrntly growing. Such progress ccor only be mcde possible through our policy of ccrrying o well diversified stock cnrd rendering on intelligent ond economicol service to our mcrry Deqler customers. Our quolity crrd service ore "tops" cmd our prices ore competitive. For profits ond reol sqtisfqction cqll "Cqlif. Pcrrel" whenever you need plywood.

Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 Christmas Party Named Washington Representative Set for December 11

The annual Christmas party of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No..39 will be held on Monday evening, December 11, in the Leamington Bowl, Hotel Leamington, Oakland.

Tom Branson and "Abe" Lincoln are in charge of the entertainment program. No business will be discussed. A big crowd is expected. All lumbermen are welcome.

Jas. J. McElroy, president of the Board of Port Commissioners for the Port of Oakland, was the speaker at the Club's dinner meeting held November 13 at Hotel Leamington. The talk was supplemented by a motion picture exhibited by A. C. Meadows of the Port Commission showing the facilities of the Port and the Oakland Airport.

President Jas. B. Overcast, Strable Hardwood Co., presided.

Rate Increaga Filed

Pacific Lumber Carriers Association, San Francisco, filed a supplement with the United States Maritime Commission to increase freight rates 5O cents per M to all ports south of San Francisco, effective December 20.

The rate increase, shipowners say, is not sufrficient to cover the higher cost of operation due to increased wages and changes in working conditions.

San Francisoo, Nov. 2S-8, A. Brown, formerly in the Structural Department of the California Redwood Association has been appointed Washington representative, according to announcement made today by S. J. Sharp, manager of the organization.

Mr. Brown, an authority on structural utilization of rv,ood, has been instrumental in the design and extensive use of Redu'ood for Bridges and other construction in the western states. He is a graduate of the Civil Engineering department of the University of Nevada.

His new duties will be concerned with general Redwood promotion, and he will be located permanently in Washington, D. C.

Announces New Appointment3

Minneapolis, Minn., November 15-A. L. O. Schueler, assistant secretary of Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company and of its affiliated companies, rvho has been connected with the organization for many years, has been appointed assistant manager of The Shevlin-Hixon Company at Bend, C)regon, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of R. D. Moore.

C. T. Crowley, who has also been a member of the Minneapolis stafi for many years, has been named office manager of the Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Company. Both appointments are effective immediately.

Flall, Jamec L.,------------------

Hammond Redwood Co.----------------------- O.B.C.

Hatbor Plywood Corporation

Hilt & Morton, Inc.

Hobbs, V'all Lumbcr Co"

Hogan Lumber Co.

Ffoover, A. L.------- fnsulite Company, The

Janin Lumber Co, Roy M..-- -- -----

Johnson Lumber C,orporation, C. D. -----------25

Koehl & Son, fnc., John V. ----------------------25

Kuhl Lumbet Co., Carl H.

Lamon-Bonnington Company.------------------------- 15

LawrencePhilips Lunber Company

Lumberments Credit Association --------------------- |

MacDonald & Flarrington, Ltd.

Macllanburg-Duncan Co. -- -

Maris Plywood C,orporation

Marehall, Inc., John E. ----------

Michigan-California Lumber Co.------------------*

Monolith Pordand Cemetrt Company ------* Moore Dry KiIn Co.------------------------------------29

O'Neil Lumbet Co..----------- -------.24

Pacific Lumbet Co., The

I. E. MANTIN Mcncging Editor

W. T. BTACK Advertising Mcncger

M. ADAMS Circulction Mcacger

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