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Agc not guaranteed---Somc I havc told lor 20 years---Some Less

There Were No Extras

"Henry," remonstrated the tall, black boy, the quality of whose friendship had been brought in to question by the saddle-colored darkey; "how kin you say I ain't no friend ob yourn? Ain't I allus ben you' friend? Ain't I allus doin'things fo' ya? Ain't I? I axes you?"

"What has you evah done fo' me?" sullenly demanded the other.

Will Manage Gypsum Sales for Celotex Corp.

The appointment of Jack W. Hussey as manager of Gypsum sales is announced by Marvin Greenwood, general sales manager of The Celotex Corporation, Chicago, Ill.

Mr. Hussey has had fourteen years of successful merchandising experience in the building materials industry. In addition to this broad background he was a technical service manag'er of Universal Atlas Cement Company for eight years, then owned and operated the Jack W. Hussey Construction Company of St. Louis for four years. He l.ras been with the Celotex Corporation since 1937.


Building permit statistics covering the first ten months of this year for the city of Los Angeles show total permit valuations of $63,558,916 against $57,798,957 in the first ten months of 1938.

The number of permits issued to October 31 totaled 33,043 compared with the 29,778 in the first ten months of last year, a gain of eleven per cent.

"Why, Henry, don' you remembah las' Sunday when I had two women an' you didn't have no women, didn't I give you one ob mah women?"

"Yah," admitted the other, grudgingly. "You gave me de one you.didn't want."

"Niggah," said the first. "You is a fool. De woman I don' want_don' live !"

"sharer of Happiness"

For the ninth time lumbermen of the San Francisco Bay district are being invited to invest in "Shares of Happiness, in East B"y Hoo-Hoo Club's Good Fellowship Christmas Fund.

For 1939 shares are listod at $1.50 each and no limit is placed on participation. Checks should be sent to Don E. Coveney, 537 First Street, Oakland, Calif. He is the Fund Committee chairman this year.

During the past year the Fund proved itself in no small way, and it has brought encourag'ement to rnar.rv in the last several years rvho needed a helping hand.

Shirley Forsey, past president of the Club, is chairman of the Fund's administration committee.

50 Years Of Home Service

Union Mill & Lumber Co., Santa Barbara, Calif., has sent out an attractive card to its many friends a.nnouncing the firm's Golden Anniversary. Francis E. Bovd is president of the com,pany, and Arthur J. McAdarns is vicepresident and general manager.

Thtee California Cities Listed Among First Twenty in Building

Three California cities were listed among the first tr'vent1' in the United States reporting the largest building volume for the first ten months of 1939.

Los Angeles was in second place with a total of $63,021,098; San Francisco was eighth with $21.723,438, and Long Beach was nineteenth with $9,825,895. Nerv York held first place with $n5,884,692.

The twenty cities showing the largest permit valuations and comparative figures for 1938 as compiled by Dun & Bradstreet. Inc.. follorv :

Roofing Plant Destroyed By Fire

The Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Co. plant at Compton, Calif., rvas totally destroyed by fire November 20. Only the office was saved. Harry J. Graham, manager of the company's Compton operations, says that business is going as usual and orders are being shipped from their Portland, plant.

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