1 minute read
This Lady \fas Really a Sales Expert
Mcny years ago when the lcte Dick Putncm gobg ccound plenty ol lunber conventions tc&ing scrlencnship cmd to the lumber tolks, he used to give cr little demonstration c lcrnner he scnr crt cn Arkcmscrs county fair used to sell crpples It cr delighdul demonsbcrtion oI of lunber decrlers who wit- the qrt d selling in honely fqshion, cmd nessed it, will clwcrys reccll how well thct plecrscnt snile ol his.
did iL with thct fine voice cmd
Here is c potcrto sales lesson, this given by c lcnn womcot thnt is on much the scune order, cmd, I believo nctny helpful hinb lor cury scles lrrson, no mcrtter whcrt his line be.
Two farn wcrgons, ecrch over by c lcrna wonctn, were pcrrked side by side in the lcorne/s nqrket both urcgons were loaded higb with new potcrtoe* A shopper the necrest one, crtrd <rsked the lcrrm replied thct they were c dollcn a btrg. uronrcsr the price ol her potctoes.
"Goodnessl" scrid the "Tbat's cnrdully high, isnl it?' "Potatoeg bcrve gone up," scrid the lcrrrn defensively, cnd the shopper pcssed
She stopp€d ct the next cod the other lcrrn womcuL hcrving becnd the previous convsrsciionn of her potctoes, she said: prepcred. Wh€n the shopper asked the price
'These cre especicrlly potcrioes, ncr'cun. They crre tbe very best po' tatoes for cll sorts ol scrvo cs lot ol wcrste in , that I know oL They're the sncrll-eye type thcrt The skin, you s€e, is unusuclly thiq. A bcrg ol these potctoes is c bcrg you will find trro sizes, bckiag size must not be food, not of potcrto ski! and wcste. In ecch bcrg ones lor boiling, snaller ones lor bclcing. The krrge, so thct tbey will bcrke cll the wcrl' through, suiclry. Tbct scrves gcrs bill We wcsh cll our potcrtoes belore scrcking out of the scck, &ey cre recrdy to cook You don't them. When they buy cmy dirl I'm c dollcr-cmd-cr-hr:ll cr bcrg lor them-rmd they're worth every cent ol
The shopper hcrd cone to buy c peclo but witb such potctoes cs thes€ she scrw the wisdm cr whole saclc. Ard her potctoes were the soe kind, size, cmd sort her neighbor wcs selling, prepcred lor m<rrket in excctly tbe soe
The difference in the selling.