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Dougtas Fir Pont Onfobd Cedan
Represented in California by SAN FBANCTiCO
Selh L Butler
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GArEeld 0292
'Sharer of Happiness"
This year's quota for the Good Fellowship Christmas Fund is a little larger than last year's, and for this reason the committee hopes that many individuals as well as firms in the San Francisco Bay district will subscribe to this activity of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No 39.
For 1940 "shares of Happiness" are listed at $1.50 each and while no limit is placed on participation a subscription for one share will be welcomed. Checks should be mailed to the Fund Committee chairman, George C. Ctayberg, Boorman Lumber Company, 10035 East l4th Street, Oakland, Calif.
Back From Northwest
A. W. "Bates" Smith of MacDonald & Harrington, Los Angeles, recently made a business trip to Portland and other points in Oregon.
W. H. Shcrrp l5l5 East ?tb TBinity 6757
Revised Directory of Membership
Portland, Oregon, November 23-The Western Pine Association has published a revised directory of membership, corrected to November 20, which replaces the one issued April 10. The listings of member mills and tabulated data pertaining to their products have been revised to cover changes and additions that have developed since the previous directory was printed, so the information shown is currently complete. Over a hundred and forty Western Pine member mills, which are located in ten western states, are listed alphabetically by states and show the location of individual plants and sales offices, annual capacity and percentage of production of Idaho White Pine, Ponderosa and Sugar Pine and associated species. The standard and factory products and specialties manufactured at each mill operation are also shown.
This directory has proven an indispensable source of essential information on Western Pine products as the data is conveniently arranged in compact, tabular form for handy reference. As in previous issues, the revised directory of membership is an &page folder, 8l/2"xll" in size, and punched for a three-ring binder, which may be easily folded for mailing or pocket use.
Copies will be sent without charge by addressing the Western Pine Association, Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon.
George Johnson, National Lumber Company, National City, Calif., was recently installed as president of the Toastmasters Club at a dinner-dance meeting at the Chula Vista Country Club. Mr. Johnson is also president of the National City Chamber of Commerce.
John Henry Kirby
John Henry Kirby, nationally known lumberman and. chairman of the board of the Kirby Lumber Corporation, Houston, Texas, died November 9 at his home in Houston.
He was born in the northern part of Tyler County in East Texas, November 16 1860. During his youth he got his early schooling from his mother, later he attended school at Peachtree Village, and then attended one term of school at Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas. He studied law, in 1885 was admitted to the bar, and took up the practice of law in Woodville. With Eastern cap- ital he became active in buying East Texas timber lands. He moved to llouston in 1890. In order to develop the East Texas virgin forests, he built the Gulf, Beaumont & Kansas City Railroad. Its first terminal was a town he namedr Silsbee, after his Boston partner, and it was here that he built his first sawmill. Later he sold the railroad to the Santa Fe system, of which it is still a part.
With the aid of Eastern capital, he created two large corporations in 1901, The Kirby Lumber Corporation capitalized for $10,000,@0 and the Houston Oil Company capitalized for $30,0@,000. The former u'as the milling department of his plan, the other rvas the timber holding and buying department. At the peak of operations the Kirby Lumber Corporation had 18 mills running. At the present time there are six big Kirby mills in operation, three cutting Yellow Pine and three hardwood.
One of his major enterprises besides those mentioned is the Kirby Petroleum Company which he organized,inlg20 and is one of the strong independent oil producing companies in Texas. He was chairman of the board of directors of this company at the time of his death.
Mr. Kirby served as president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, the Southern Pine Association, Snark of the lJniverse of the Concatenated Order of HooHoo, and during the World War he was a member of the War fndustries Board, and Lumber Director of the U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation.
He is survived by his widow, two sisters, three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held November 1l from the familv home in Houston.
Tribute by Wilson Compton
Washington, November 1l.-In a telegram to E. V. Clark, Kirby Lumber Corporation, Houston, Texas, Wilson Compton, Secretary and Manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, today made the following statement regarding John Henry Kirby:

"In the death of John Henry Kirby the Lumber Industry has lost one of the sturdiest characters of this generation. In his more active years he contributed as few have done to the upbuilding of the industry and he has been honored as few have been by his colleagues and friends in the industry. In the minds of thousands of his countrymen his memory will live as a reminder of steadfast faith in his country, fearless devotion to the Constitution of the United States and devoted attachment to his friends. There are few men who owe more to John Henry Kirby than I do, or who will join with greater sadness in the recognition of his passing on.',
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