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Publishes Fourth Edition of Certigrade Handbook
Recognized by the building industry as an authoritative shingle encyclopedia, the Certigrade Handbook has now been published in a fourth edition, the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau has announced.
Over a quarter of a million copies of the first three editions of this Handbook have been distributed to interested lumber dealers, contractors, carpenters, architects, builders, home owners, and others; the announcement of a fourth edition presages an even wider distribution. It was originally issued in 1936, was reprinted in 1937 and 1938, and now again with extensive revisions in 1940.
Co-authors are Bror L. Grondal, professor of Forest Products in the College of Forestry, University of Washington, and W. W. Woodbridge, secretary.manager of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau. Professor Grondal has won world recognition for his scientific work in regard to wood products, and Mr. Woodbridge heads an organization of Northwest shingle manufacturers which is engaged in widespread red cedar promotional activities.
The Handbook contains 96 pages of well illustrated shingle information. It includes information regarding application, uses, treatment, manufacture, grades, and other pertinent data. Also included are eight pages of master specifications for architects and builders.
Those affiliated with the building industry can obtain a
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