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M. L. Fleishel Re-elected President of N. L. M.A.

Lumbermen in Chicago for 38th Annual Meeting Find Industry Has Already Supplied Defense Program with ' over Billion Feet of Cantonment Materid

Chicago, November 2O,-With the exception of one new vice-president and the addition of live new members to its Board of Directors, the 38th Annual Convention of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association which closed here yesterday, re-elected all officers and directors who had served the association during 19'10.

Problems arising from Government procurement of luntber for National Defense purposes, the public relations policy of the forest industries, problems in connection with forest conservation, small homes promotion and cooperation in the use of technical advances developed by the Forest Products Laboratory, featured the meetings.

M. L. Fleishel, Putnam Lumber Company, Shamrock, Fla., was re-elected president of the Association; Edmund Hayes, Clackamas Fir Co., Portland, Oregon, was elected to serve a second year as lst vice-president; other reelected vice-presidents were: W. M. Ritter (vice-president and treasurer) Ritter Lumber Co., Columbus, Ohio; Swift Berry, Mich.-Calif. Lumber Co., Camino, CaliI'.; P. A. Bloomer, La. Long Leaf Pine Co., Fisher, La.; H. M. Seaman, Kirby Lumber Corp., Houston, Texas, and Corydon 'Wagner, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, Washington. Wilson Compton, Washington, D. C., was re-elected secretary and manager.

The general reports of the president and the secretary and manager were received at the first general meeting, which opened at 10 o'clock Monday morning.

Following officers' reports the general meeting was broken into separate groups of committees on Forest Conservation, Trade Promotion, and Nominations and Recommendations. In the afternoon National Defense problems, promotion, research and lumber trade prospects dominated the discussions. Reports were received from Wilson Compton on National Defense prospects; from R. G. Kimbell on building codes and engineering; R. B. White, Forest Products Laboratory cooperation; H.' G. Uhl, Timber Engineering Company; H. R. Northup, secretary National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, on 1941 program of the National Homes Foundation.

Mr. Compton gave the lumbermen a direct report received by telephone from the Lumber Section of the Defense Commission in Washington-that 1,039,000,000 feet of lumber had already been purchased by the Army for cantonment construction, and that an estimated additional 205,000,000 feet would be required to complete the job. Mr. Compton noted that no estimates had yet been made of the purchases or requirements of the Navy or prospective federallybuilt housing for defense workers.

At the continuation of this meeting on Tuesday morning reports were received from Henry Bahr on the operation of the Association's Economics and Law Information Service; G. H. Collingwood, on prospects of the coming year in Forest Conservation, and C. R. French, on the Association's Information and Merchandising Service.

Prior to the general meetings the Association's Forest Products Laboratory Contact Committee met in Madison, Wisconsin. Three members of the technical staff of the Laboratory returned with the committee to Chicago and were guest speakers at the Annual Dinner meeting Monday evening. R.P.A. Johnson, A. J. Stamn and T. R. C. Wilson discussed recent developments in Laboratory research. Dr. Johnson spoke for the Laboratory's Industrial Investigation Division; Dr. Wilson for its Department of Timber Mechanics, and Dr. Stamn for its Division of Wood Chemistry.

. Plans for the enlargement of the Association's public relations and educational work were discussed at a special luncheon meeting of the Public Relations Committee. An outline for the proposed new activities will be prepared under the direction of a sub-committee of the Publicity Committee and is expected to be ready for presentation to the lumbermen around January 1st.

Reports from standing committee chairmen of the Association were received at the general stockholders' meeting, Tuesday afternoon: Trade Promotion, I. N. Tate; Forest Conservation, G. F. Jewett; Governmental Relations, C. C. Sheppard, and Publicity, R. C. Winton. The series of meetings was concluded by the Directors' Meeting later in the afternoon.

Lumbermen and technical representatives of the National and Federated Associations attending the Madison meeting were: R. B. White, O. N. Cloud, Corydon 'Wagner, E. C. Wert, I. N.Tate, B. R. Ellis, R. G. Kimbell, W. H. O'Brien, R. G. Tittts, H. S. Crosby, H. B. Alston, Chas. Snellstrom, W. A. Adam, G. H. Collingwood, and F. J. Hanrahan.

Resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors recorded the following actions: (1) Admission of the Hardwood Dimension Manufacturers Association as a subscriber to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association; (2) The establishment of a new Public Relations Sub-Committee and the preparation of a long-range program to improve the public relations of the forest industries; (3) Approval of a plan to enable the NLMA to secure financial support f'or specific trade promotion and research projects from individual lumber companies in regions where support through a regional association is impractical, and from a combination of regional and individual company support in other areas where such funds cannot be provided ex- .

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