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N. L. M. A. Holds 38th Annual Meeting
(Continued from Page 16) clusively through regional associations; (4) Instructions that the Forest Conservation Division of the NLMA discuss amendments to the Clarke-McNary act with the Joint Congressi,onal Forestry Committee ; suggested amendments would increase the annual authorization for fire prevention, provide increased annual sums for control of forest insects and disease; and upon request of respective states provi'de a parallel cooperation with the states; provide authorization for the development of locally applicable forest practices; and require that cooperation in forestry practices be kept distinct from fire prevention projects and be made the subject of separate basis of allotment. The Board of Directors also requested that the Forest Conservation Division, after consultation with the Joint Congressional Committee, draft such a proposed amendment and submit it to regional associations for discussion and suggestions and to the Board of Directors of the NLMA for approval; (5) The Division of Private Forestry of.the Forest Service is urged to keep current a comprehensive survey of the condition of private forest lands in the United States; (6) Affirmed the recommendation of the Forest Conservation Committee that regulation of private forest practices be viewed as a regional forestry problem and that the function of the NLMA Forest Conservation Division is to act as liaison agency for the correlation of regional objectives and solutions.
The Board of Directors passed in memoriam resolutions for: John Henry Kirby, Chas. R. Johnson, Albert L. Osbo,rne, C. D. Johnson, Fred Bringardner, Edward Daniel Kingsley, Frank Carnahan, Lt. Col. Chas. S. Chapman, F. A. Silcox, R. C. Fulbright, E. A. Sherman, Joseph Keys.
Culver City Building Nears The Two Million Mark
Home construction in Culver City by the end of the year may reach $2,000,000 for 194O.
This was the opinion of building department officials as the estimated cost of building reached $l,ZSl,ZS2 the latter part of November.
L, \(/. Foss
Levi (Lee) W. Foss died suddenly in his office in Berkeley, Calif., November 22. He was associated with his brother, Fred W. Foss in the Foss Lumber Co. and Foss Coal Co., Berkeley.
He was born in Missouri 65 years ago. He is survived by his wi,dow, Mrs. Myrtle E. Foss, a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Wallace, two grandchildren, his mother, Mrs. Harriet L. Foss, four brothers and three sisters.
Insured mortgage business of the Southern California FHA district office is making inroads into its second 100,000 applications received for the insurance of mortgages under Title II of the National Housing Act and which are to be secured by small homes in this district, the weekly report of Wilson G. Bingham, district director, shows.
During the week ended Nov. 8 the l0o,00oth application was received. Since that time, up to and including Nov. 15, despite holiday interruptions, an additional 690 applications were accepted for processing under Title II by the Los Angeles office.
BARR LUMBER f;);ri"rT??rs oF.F.rcE Ar
The office of the Barr Lumber Company at Artesia, Calif., has been remodeled, streamline counters have replaced the old ones, and the flooring has a new cover of Celotex laid in an attractive block pattern. New light fixtures have been added and the interior has been given a coat of ofr-white paint.
All supplies are placed neatly in compartments and palco paints are effectively displayed. The entire arrangement of the office is very attractive.
On Honeymoon Trip
Mr. and Mrs. John R. W. Dant left San Francisco November 22 on the Matson liner Matsonia to spend their honeymoon in Honolulu.
Mr. Dant is the youngest son of C. E. Dant, president of Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, and is associated with the firm.