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DlI ndS For Better Profits in 1925 Depend on TrA @ ofS As a Source upply a ervice !
Possessing unusual tesources of raw materials in all of the West Coast species common to the Pacific Northwest. Tacoma and Tacoma District"The Lumber Capital of America"-have the experienced men, the modern mills and the shipping facilities (both water and rail), necessary to assure renrice of the first order.
Among the specialties produced by the combined mills and factories of Tacoma's lumber industry are: bill stock, barge material, box shooks, bee hives, bridge timbers, bevelled hemlock siding, berry crates, broom handles, balusters, car material, cabinet work, columns, crossarms, conduit, creosoted postq ties and timbers; doors, detail work, door frarnes, egg cases, fir lath, general yard stock, grape slices, garage doors, guttering, hemlock lath, kiln dried fir finish, kits, lumber and timbers, surfaced or rough, any kind, grade or size, green or dry; long and large timbers, lemon slats, lug covers, mouldings, mill.work, mop handles, old growth yellow fir finish, orange slats, plywood, pails, porch rail, posts, poles, piling, shingles, air dried cedar siding, rough green clears, railway material, sash, S4S dimension and small timbers, single ply veneers, silo stock, staves, tarik stock, turned work, 3-ply fir veneer panels, tubs, vertical grain clears, window frames and wood pipe.
For better profits in 1925 and after, get acquainted with "The Lumber Capital of America" as a source of supply. Write now, for a free copy of our oficial book and directory, 60 pages, fully illustrated, including list of manufacturers and their products. A really valuable reference work. Sent on request.
To lnt'c your inqu,iries reach all of the lumber manufacturing interests of Tacoma and Tacoma District: iil vr bahm lr lz*Btl ndeaU Itnb ,rJua. TIIE lI)tlCEr. url{E ooxP^llY la|d@ Nd'a

\XflLL your family celcbmtc thc glad, V V some sasn in a lromc of thcfu nt? And, as thc ycars go by, will thc mcmory of many happy holidals spcnt undcr thc chcr)sicd tromc rooftrcc bc among thcir most trcenrrcd rccollcctions?
Build thcm a hone whcrc thc pridc and joy of pccssion rnay bc theirs thc ycar'round '-wherc thcy may know thc contcntmcnt aod sltishction that com6 only from living in e homc of onc's aor. Build themrtlis cmitg ycar,thomc tht thcy cao cell thcir aor.
The message in the above advertisement appearing in THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, December 27 , in full page space, has a timely appeal that is sure to set thousands of the 2,330,000 subscribers to thinking seriously about that new home they have long been planning. May we tell you of other services The l,ong-Bell Lumber Company provides for retail lumbermen)

How Lumber Looks
. Thir year of 1924 is drawing to a cloce.
It har been a profitable twelve monttr for thc lumber' men, retail and wholecde; ttere have been morc ttupr-and downg" probably ttan develop urualln but ar a wholc it hae been a good year.
The wini-up ieea a "luggirh market, "waiting for tte fint of the yearr" "waiting trntil after invcntotr5/rtt "waidng until I ree what ttre other fellow doeer" etc., etc., at great lenglh.
The fello* that relb lumber productr to the man who retailr it ir eitting tight with a cmrll amount of rtock on hand. Thir ir god. One wholeeale man in Lor Angelec' raid last Thurday that he intend€d loading up ovcr three million feet of lumber on the docks at San Pedro' and he intended keepiog it tbere rmofiered, rmtil he thought the time ripe to rell. Rigbt now the dockr are prclt5r well cleaned up.
Novclty Mitrc
Connonr erc Mnging good pris rt Sc dllr $lt.OO ldng about thc bottom, end ir t rceced *rt $f8.50 rDd $18.75 ofrcrr do not rearlt h the phring of eny lrrgl quantiticl witfi the -:n..
The Atlantic rcaboard ir pryiry q to S2f.OO fa Sc rane rtocls.
Hcre ir an exccrpt from e rrpdt frron r rdLvcrrcd nen ufio knowr the conditirnr et furt hrnd, et Pctlend:
"The outlook right et tte prccot Emc4 b aoeptionrtly good. Ju* wbrf dcptb it her rcorior to bc rcco.
"Pricer are for the mort plrt dl6g ud thc mertct hu a wcll-defincd upwarrd tcndeocSr, bd it b dificult to tr&c prcleDt conditionr and fi$rc out enytbing bctod thc lattcr part of Dcccnbcr.
"By far the biggGrt fector h tbc dcndopnco dlcc 6c early part of thir mmtL l'.. bcco thc incrarcd dcanlnd for yard rtock itcnr fc rail thbnd. f thir rcrc rGmovcd the dcmnd wqld by no m bc cnqb flon Sc othcr conrrming factcr to cenrc eny ccitcocot.
"lt ttcrcfqc loolr er 600$ mch dcea& qo ttl thc denrend fc yrrd rtoch doce drrh3 OcuUcr, prt$G. uldty thc lencr pert
"Thc cqrort Errkcf b iD frrfrm r Cfictory oditian Many cspcct it to rcrivc bCcc Sc fr* of thc ycrr. lf it docr thc {crmnd will bc relt rudod out ThG Dilt nccd profiteble crilting ordcn
(See Page 53) for SuootL Cutting
WELDED Hi-Speed Steel Planer Knives. We make Wood-Working Knives of every kind in our Los Angeles Shop.
Saw Repairing-Knife Grinding.
To promote home building, the Lumber Association of San Francisco and its member retail lumber dealers, are distributing to all prospective builders in San Francisco an interesting and instructive article for the promotion of home building, designated "Build A Home." The article conveys to the reader the fact that there is more real value in a home than in the highly advertised luxuries ulnn which many are spending their money, and by owning their own home they become a real citizen in their community. It also deals with taxes and rents and the cost of building. In referring to the use of Lumber for building, it states, "A wooden house suits California Climatic Conditions and the silent testimony of the vast majority of homes built of 'ivood in California compels consideration."
The San Francisco retail lumber dealers who are distributing this information to the prospective building public are: Acme Lumber Co., Beronio Lumber Co., Christenson Lumber Co., Greater City Lumber Co., Hart-Wood Lumber Co., Howes Lumber Co., J. H. Kruse, Leonard Lumber. Co.; Loop Lumber Co., J. H. McCallum, Pope & Talbot; Reinhart Lumber & Mill Co., William Smith Company. Spring Valley Lumber Co.; Sudden & Heitman Lumber Co., H. S. Thomson, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., and Lumber Association of San Francisco.