3 minute read
The Panhandle Lumber Company is completing six miles of railroad into LeClerc Creek country to brinj logs to the Pend Oreille River at Ruby for its mill at Ione. ]f1 loS.qing^wo1k^in the LeClerc Creek basin and at points along the Pend Oreille River will be greater than in pre_ vious years.
At Newport the Humbird Lumber Company mill has been sawing with two shifts since March 1, a,nd will continue to do so until January I if weather permits. The mill will not boom this season and will start again as early as possible in the spring to get rid of the iogs on hand and make room for the big supply that will .o-" down from the Priest River region.
The Leach White Pine Company at Blueslide has re- built the sections of its flume burned in the big fire last summer and will do considerable logging this winter.
Wendling-Nathan Co.
have been on the markct over sir ycarc and arc covcred by a broad guarantee of satisfactory acrvicc' Madc under National patents. Folds back and down into cabinct' Poritively cannot fall out. Hae threc shelvc! for holding laundry rup' plies. Made of Lindermannized etock' guarantecd not to warP' Strongly constructcd- Eacilv inctalled' High in quality and low in pricc. Send for catalog'
The Louisville Veneer Mills
Home of Figured Red Gum
|'f.t HERE are few, if any, foreign or domestic I woods that can compare with Figured Red Gum in the symmetry of 6gure, the goftne$ of texture, and the richnees of coloring-
Louigville Figured Red Gum Veneers have all of the natural qualities of the wood plus the quality of manufacturing that comes through specializing in this wood for | 3 years.
And of Louisville Plywood the slogan, "Good I to the Core," is not just a trite phrase, it'E the truth, for it is the product of one organization from the tree to you.
Ship Will Be Renamed
Lumberman's Daughter to be Honored
Superior Since 'B9
The Louisville Veneer Mills
Jane Vesscl
Nettleton Chosen as New Designation for Now Cdled Thomas Crowley
' From the Seattle "Titmes"
Lee R. Gaynor, Jr., vice president of the Nettleton Lumber Company and manager of the company's California de' partment, announced ricently that when the steamship Thomas Crowley sails from Seattle on her next voyag€ she will be known as the steamship Jane Nettleton.
The vessel will be rechristened in honor of Miss jane Nettleton of Seattle, eldest daughter of W. B. Nettleton, president of the Nettleton Lumber Company. Miss Netileton is now attending Ransom School, Piedmont, Cal., and when she comes to Seattle for the Christmas holidays the rechristening ceremony will be performed. It p,r_ob' ably will include a dinner aboard the ship in honor of Miss Nettleton and a number of her friends.
The vessel has been sold by'Thomas Crowley to Andrew F. Mahohy, who has given the Nettleton Lumber Company, which has operated the ship for several years' the honor of renaming her.
For her first voyage as the jane Nettleton the vessel will load 1,600,000 feet of lumber in Seattle, Tacoma and Everett for San Pedro. She will continue to operate in the service of the Nettleton Lumber Company between Puget Sound and California. The vessel is 224 feet long, 44 f.eet beam and 2,00 tons deadweight. She was built in Wilmington, Cal., in 1917.
The Nettleton Lumber Company also operates the steamships John C. Kirkpatrick, Santa Inez and Viking in the lumbei trade between Puget Sound and California. The first trvo vessels are owned by Mr. Mahony.
Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference
Building inspectors from all the important cities of the Pacific Coast were present at the Building Officials Conference, held at Oaldand on November fr,2l and, 22.
Many interesting and instructive papers were presented on such subjects is the proposed uniform building code for the seven East Bay cities; retroactive legislation in building codes; recent building code changes in the_ big cities; ind housing regulations in various Pacific Coast states.
Various kinds of building materials were well r€Presented, and talks were heard on the use of terra cotta, metal lumber and metal lath, mortar, common brick, and California Pine in general construction.
From the lumber industry, R. W. Whiting, of the shingle branch of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association; Mr. L. Kramer, of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association; R. F. Hammatt, of the California Redivood Association; and E. P. Ivory, of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, were present.
Record Breaking Shipment
What is claimed to be the largest shipment by truck to one job in one day, was made recantly by'a fleet of 115 trucks from the Terminal Island yard of the Hammond Lumber Company, to the nerv Culver City race track. During the day 1,250,000 feet of lumber was dumped on the job.