3 minute read
Adeline M. Conner
In winter lands the snow lies deep
Beneath the stars of night, And like tall ghosts the pine trees stand
Arrayed in robes of white.
But in our valleys of delight
Spring weaves her magic spell, The fields are green, and fowers bloom In every fairy dell.
But in our valleys of delight
The happy wild birds sing, And every vagrant wind that blows Is whispering of spring.
In winter lands the home lights shine
Thru frosted window panes, And chiming bells ring merrily
O'er snow-hushed fields and lanee.
In winter lands the snow lies deep, The stars gleam cold and white, But here the incense of the flowers Perfumes the Holy Night.
And as we raise our eyes to catch The light of one fair star, We seem to hear a wondrous song Ring out from realms afar.
"Peace, Peace on Earth, Good Will to l!tgn-" Ah, tender words and mild, Our questioning souls are led once more To seek the new-born child.
Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 Holds Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon
The Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 was held at the Palace Hotel oh Wednesday, November 26, and was one of the largest attended meetings of the year. P. C. McNevin of the Pacific Lumber Co. was Chairman of the Day and the meeting was a regular Redwood affair. An interesting and instructive moving picture of Redwood logging, lumbering, and reforestation work in the Redwood operations of Humboldt and Mendocino Counties was very much enjoyed. Chas. F. Flinn, General Manager of the Albion Lumber Co., then spoke on Reforestation work in the Redwood region. Mr. Flinn stated that 65 per cent of the Redwood operators had adopted the forest management plan with the idea to perpetuate the redwood yield, and that today two trees were planted for every tree cut down. He then gave an interesting account of the Nursery operations at the Union I-umber Co. at Fort Bragg and the Pacific Lumber Co. at Scotia and the planting of the Redwood cut-over lands. He said that the Redwood operators nolv need encouragement in regard to forest taxation and more adequate laws for forest protection, also that the expense of reforestation was not heavy, being less than $20.00 per acre, and the big thing to be accomplished rvas to keep fires out of the timber.
The attendance prize, a five-pound box of candy in a beautiful redwood box, was won by Charlie Ward of the Redwood Manufacturers Co. Attractive menu cards printed on small Redwood boards were donated by the California Redwood Box Co. of Oakland. The cigars were donated by the Albion Lumber Co. Henry Isherwood rendered several songs during the luncheon and moving picture entertainment.
President Rod Hendrickson presided over a short busi- ness session. J. Walter Kelly, the new Vicegerent Snark for the Bay District, announced the Niqe for the ensuing year. Harry Whi1e, of White Broth'ers, will be the Chairman of the Day on December 12, and J. E Martin, of the "California Lumber Merchant," will act as Chairman of the Day at the December 24 meeting.
Leo Germain Presides At Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Lunch
- L"o Germain. President of the Germain Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was chairman at the December 4th meeting of the Los Angeles Ho Hoo Club.
There was a good crorvd on hand to hear Mr. Eugene Berger, Tax Expert, talk on the Income Tax. It was a splendid address, and revealed a number of very important matters.
Mr. George Cornwall and Major Mason were guests at the meeting and they both spoke for a few minutes on lumber conditions.
Frank Connelly, chairman of the Golf Committee, announced that another good Golf Tournament would be held by the Club, on December 19th.
The Temple Lumber Company entertained the Houston, Tex., Hoo-Hoo Club and lumbermen with a wonderful "houselarming" of their retail merchandising plant, Nov. 26. I. B. McFarland, president of the Hoirston Hoo-Hoo Club, is general manager of the Temple Companv.
The affair was substituted for the regular Hoo-Hoo Club luncheon. President McFarland, assisted by Billie Black, local manager for the company; Myrl Barr, assistant manager, and Mrs. McFarland and Mrs. Black provided food and entertainment, which surpassed anything the club has enjoyed since its formation.