1 minute read
We ofter you the free and unlimited ure of our offices. Pleare make thir your headquarterr while in Lor Angelea. Ure our phone, our derk end anything elee that you find that you need.
We keep filee of all the leading lumber journalr, the weekly reports from variour arociatione, lirtr of retail and wholerale lumbermen, etc., etc., all for your convenience.
On December 6th the Loe Angeler officer of "The Cdifornia Lumber Merchant" were moved from their original location in the Fay Building, to Roomr 3O8-3O9 Central Building, at 6th and Main Streetc.
EThir move puts us in clocer touch with the down-town lumbermen who have ofice! near this location, and also gives ur larger and more guitable quarters for ttYour Journal.tt