3 minute read
Actual Sales Records Prove Rernarkable Turnover Possibilities of BALSAM -WOOL fnsulation
ERHAPS you have been holding back for fearthat BALSAM-WOOL wouldn't sell in your town.Our ex- perience has been that almost any lumber dealer with a little honest effort can make these additional nals,{u- wool. prolts. The sooner the start just that much sooner dothe profits begin to mount.
Thewood conversion com-pany has made itvery easy for you-to-make the tryorlt. lheydon't urge you to b;i a car-in fact, would prefer that you didnt ai the stari.
. Along with Vgirr order for BALSAM-WOOL, sales helps and advertising matter will be furnished ;o h;i; you put over BALSAM-WOOI, in your locality. Remember that BALSAM-WOOL isgood for remodeling iobq' roof insulation in old housesl for barns and po"rl try houses as well as innew buildings.
The makers of BALSAM.WOoL will protect you and your interests. BALSAM-WOoL is strictly for th-e retail iumber dealer and is not sold through mail order houses, retailers in other lines or direct to the consumer.
The wood conversion company has faith in the retail lumber dealeras thelogical retail outlet fbTBALSAM-WOOL. And theywant to thank the hundreds of dealers who have backed them up in this policy by provin-g that insulation can be sold through these c^hannels in all sections of the country. They would like to" hear from some more live dealers. Address'Wood Conversion Company direct for samples,_prices and complete information. orders may b6 placed direct or through any representative of the'Weyerhaeuser-Sales Co.
Be The Best
If I wcrc a cobbhr, I'd makc it my pridc, Thc bcrt of dl.cobblcrr to be; If I wcrc a tinker, no tinkcr bcsidc Should mcnd an old kcttlc likc mc. But whcthcr a tinkcr, or whcther a lord, Whatcver my station may be, Determincd to play second 6ddle to none. I'd climb to the top of the tree; Let who will be secondThe FIRST I'm determined to be.
Try It Brothers
Two men were talking about hard times.
"Does your wife ever grieve because she threw over a wealthy man in order to marry You?"
"Well, she started to once," was the reply, "but I cured her of that mighty quick." ttHow?"
"f started right in grieving with her," he said, "and I grieved harder than she did."
The merchant who is always trying to "put something over" on the public, is digging his business grave, and the rate of the digging is in equal proportion to the rate of the trying.
Rhyming Homes
The man who builds a home todaY, Is prosperous, contented, gaY. The man who builds a home tomorrow Finds that his action rhymes with sorrow.
Also Wall Board
Sing a song of wall board A pocket full of tacks, What a wealth of closets
Shelves, partitions, boxes, racks. Doesn't need a carpenter
Plans nor mathematics, Easy work for anyone to renovate the attics.
Put it on the ceiling
Put it on the wall.
Nail it-paint it-easy ain't it?
'Tisn't work at all.
Purely Incidental
"So yo' am goin' to be mah son-in-law is yo'?" inquired old man Buckaloo.
I "Yassuh, 'at's what it amounts to," said the colored rwaln. "But'lt ain't what ah'm a-marryin' Louclla Maud fotu Yo' ic pu'cly incidcntal to de emcrgcncy' ruh, pu'cly incidental."
"Thcrc't no usc talking, Mary," said Mr. Brown, looking up from the evcning papcr, "it pays to be honest. If a man steals, hc will rcgret it."
"During our youth, John," said the demure little wife with a sparkle in her eye, "You used to steal kisses from mg.tt
"\ll/'ell," said th€ husband, who was some little joker himself, "you heard what f said."
The man stood and looked at the sign in the store window. It read: "EVENING GOWNS-HALF OFF."
"Yes," he mused, "that'g the way they're wearing them this season."
When every pool in Eden was a mirror, That unto Eve her dainty charms proclaimed, Shc went undraped without a single fear or Thought that she had need to be ashamed.
T'was only when she'd iaten of the apple, That she became inclined to be a prude, And found that evermore she'd have to grapple, With the much-debated problem of th.e nude'.
Thereafter she devoted her attention, Her time and all her money to her clothes, And that was the beginning of convention, And modesty as well, so I suPPose.
' Reaction's come about in fashions recent, Now the girls conceal so little from the men, It would seem that in the name of all that's decent, Someone ought to pass the apples round again.
Have you joined the A' o' P' c'? if not-Hurry!
Motto: "The Water's Fine"
For Further Information APPIY to CHIEF SLASHER