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a,nd Birch e dry kiln." It is orooosed to install this equipment in a builiiing of factory type, which the Legistitrirc will bc askcd to build on the newly acquired Schmidt tract adjoining the Senta Fc tracks in Wesl Bcrkclcy. Thc invcstigative work to be conducted will have as its principel objcctive the better utilization and hendling of forest productt. In this connection Professor Fritz says: "All our investigations have as one principal aim the more cconomical manufacture, seasoning, and use of forest producta. While such use tends to cut down waste it is recognized that no forest and sawmill product can be produced without certain unavoidable wastes. These are of great volume and it is often asked to what good use they can be put.
We hope therefore to have another laboratory adjoin the lumbering laboratory, in which is to be carried on a serie\' of studies to determine the possibility of utilizing the wastes through chemical means either for paper pulp or products derived by distillation." In this laboratory it is
The Los Angeles Hoo FIoo Club, under the direction of Frank Connelly, Woodhead Lumber Company, as Chairman of the Committee, will stage a Golf Tournament and Stag Dinner, at the Wilshire Country Club, Los Angeles on Friday, December lgth.'
Ther.e will be a number of prizes, awarded on a plan to be worked out by John Edgar Lloyd-Jones, Woodhead Lumber Company, and from all indications there will be a record attendance.
The golf affairs are handled by the permanent Golf Committee, composed of Frank Connelly, J. E. Lloyd-Jones, Fred Golding, Fred Golding Lumber Company, E. D. Tennant, Lumbermen's Club and H. L. Rosenberg, Hipolito Company.
Detroit, holding the record of having staged the greatest Concat in the history of Hoo-Hoo, won new laurels the evening of Nov. 2l with a Concat remarkable in its every aspect.
Ninety-nine kittens-no more, no ts55-gnfslqd the gardens of the right and of the left, and nine prodigal members-no more, no less-retutned to thc fold via the reinstatement route. Ninety-nine and nite was the goal of the Detroiters-and nary an additional one was allowed to enter the gardens that night, even though many more had sought admittance. The same was true of reinstatements; many being turned away for the time being.