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(tllio.ra tfDgDRS lndmfflcanfiomu

More than five million doors are annually made from California White Pine and California SugarPine. Many of the largest.manuhcturers-of exterior, Frlnch and panel doors make them wholly of these fine, soft pines.

California Pines possess t€n ndt, ural points ofexcellence that makc them favored woods for doors.

1. They are soft,textured and rtraight,greined-work easily and can be cut with or across the qrain without splitting.

2. These woods are air eeasoned in a climate ideal for that purpose, or are easily kiln dried to any manufacturing requirement.

A 20o-year aupply of California White andSugarPinesnow stan& in the region whereourmillsoperate. Naturd gron'th of standing timber, augnented by aatural reforestation, aa$rl:et a rupply of tlrerevduable building woodr for all time.

3. They take glue evenly 'over every eurface, binding all con, tacted parts rigidly,

4. Their naturdl freedom from warping, shrinking and swelling assure the purchaser that Cali, fornia Pine -doors will ftcep their srrape unoer varyrng rclDperarues.

5. Doors of Califomia Pinee may be 6tted and hung at minimum cost. A recent comparative test proved a eaving of twenty,tkee ceots per door.

6.The fact that these soft,textured woods hold nails and screws firmlv without eplitting a."utes permi, nent installation of all hardware.

7. Tbe smooth, satiny eurface of these woods is an alEnitv for paint and enamel, taLing any iolor treat, ment readily and evenly, and hold, ing it tenaciously.

8. Because these woods are lieht in color they do not "oppoie" paint, but enable the decorator to obtain the 6nest fnish with fewer coats.

9. Because oftheidfreedom from pitch and resinor;s substancee, these woods eliminate dangers from discoloration to the painted Surtaceg.

10. The absenceof grain,raising aw sures a permanent mirror,smooth 6nish.

Catifornia Pine doors of all patterns, either in etock or special sizes, may be obtained from leading door manufacturers throughout the country.

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