1 minute read
Distinctive types of Laminex Doors
All of Laminex consf ructio guaranteed to stand,up any w herr wiII not twist, uarp or wind!
In deaign, they conform to the modern demand for doors of character. In construction, they are built by a procest which makec thcm immune to the troubles to which ncarly all doors are eubject.
Laminex ir thc rerult of 35 ycarr' cxpericnce by the largcrt manufacturer of doorr in the world. [.art year our output war ncarly ten per cent of the American door production.
Evcry Lam-mcx door bcarr a gotd ffid rcp}acement guarantce. Look for it. If Laminex ir not obtainablc readily, write ug for namc of ncarcct dictributore. Ark for apecial architectc' monograph.
The Wheeler, Osgood Company
Tacoma, WashinEon,"The Limhr Capital of fip7i*r' Sales Offces:rChicago, Memphis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Spohane
!Ytur.u-,uu.ur.rn u, W "v'oco" Danglas Fir W Doors and Fir .So.rlr La,rnincx Tuo-Vcttlcal
Pancl-a distinctioe and fractical door for modern homes. Flat grain throughout, or with aer- tical grain stiles and rails.