3 minute read
Dfutdbuting Agcotr for CluL-Nic|rcnon Luubcr tCoo Evcrctt' l}Vtlh.
Doprcrr Lunbcr Coo Tecorr, Wuh.
Dc6enci Lrrnbcr Coo frconr, Wmh.
Fcrr;r BeLrr Lunbcr Co., Evcrcttr-Wuh.
Littll Rivc Rcdwood Co' Hunboldt Bry.
1030 Bartlett BIds.
(Continued from Page 18)
(Crontinued on Page 48)
(Continued from Page 47) amount of anything but sawdust and shavings that finds its wav into the boileri.
I-n their stock finish mill they are running their machines to full capacity, and they are using the latest type of fast feed machines.
In one targe room, as large as a good-sized. factory in itself, is locaied the door cutting and sash cutting department. Eight cut-ofr saws and other machines are at work here, conti-nually turning out rails and stiles for stock doors and windows.
Another department is devoted to their special -utor!' and contains,-besides the usual machines, a long bench department where special doors and windows, requiring handwork, are built up.
Then the screen department occupies quarters alone, and it'is a complete factory lvithin a factory. They- manufacture every kind of stock and special design window and door screens.
The slab door department adjoins. Here they are building up large numbirs of slab doors, from all known commErciil woods, using their own system on the core stock and turning out doors that they claim have no equal.
The veneer department is very interesting. Under, a long shed at the end of the plant, they have an accumulatiori of cants for veneers, from logs that have been shipped from all corners of the globe. They specialize in Philippine market all along the East Coast, as well as in California and adjoining states. This they class as the "aristocrat" of doori, andit is being used largely in office building and apartment house construction.
- It would take easily a week to journey through the entire plant and miss nothing, and, of course, woutd take a volume to properly describe what one had seen.
The-faciory is a credit to Southern California, and to the men who have seen the realization of their dream to build a complete woodworking establishment under one roof, turnin!' out nothing but-the finest of- materials, with the best of labor, well-paid and contented.
Wholes.t"rr' Otr.oors M;;; \-'
The Mid-Year meeting of the Board of Directors of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association was held on Nov. l9th, at headquarters, 4l East 42nd Street, Nerv York. There was a large attendance' comPrising 25 officers, directors and committee chairmen. The work was reviewed and important actions taken outlining the prograln for the period preceding the next annual convention, which u'ill be held at Atlantic City, N. J., March 18-19.
Starts New Yard
t I The Kewin Lumber Company has started construction Y of new sheds and offices, for their new yard at Waterford.
Los Angeles Lumbermen Suffer Fire Loss
A fire starting in a feed and fuel establishment, cattsed a serious loss to the Wheeler Lumber Company, the Los Angeles Screen Company and the California Hardwood Lumber Company, on November 26th.
Herets .A,n Oak Flooring Minus Bit Marks
(lt therefore cosls /airs to lay because it reQuires no I scraping and aery little sanding-all of which means I beauty plus econorn! in the finished ftoor.) ) mahogany in their veneer work, but have stocks of other logs and can turn out anything in veneered work'
Scientific machine work in the manufacture of oak floorins is imperative if for no other reason than to justify our exfraordinary precautions taken in drying oak lumber. Our edge-feed machines are superior to other devices in that th6y produce a finished flooring strip which is mirror-smooth and free from planer knife marks. (Ask for our free booklet.)
A picture of the veneer sarv shows part of thi-q operation, as does the one showing the stock going into the press.
According to Mr. George Nicholson, Los-Angeles will some day 5e one of the largest, if not the largest *"9qworking center in the United States. He contends that this is the Iogical meeting place for all of. the woods of the world. aid that Soulhern California is unsurpassed for favorable factory conditions.

The stock sash department of this great plant is a wonderful sight for one not initiated, and no doubt would also be for th*e old timer. They have a capacity in this part of the mill of 1500 stock sash and windows per day, and they are running to capacitl'. It is the. boast of officials of the comDany tfr'at thev manufacture this stock as near perfectly as it is possible to do so. They use only Clear Sugar Pine for theii sash. it is beautiful white stock, and well made. Their one-panel Philippine mahogany door is finding a
Actually gives you a superior flooring stock because in making- "AmeriCa's Finest" we have gone far beyond commonly- accepted conventional methods. From s-electing uniformity -in standing timber to perfect bundling of finished flooring, every step is taken according to the most advanced processes.
Your first order mahes You, a ?ernxanent cwstomer. Shall zrte quote now?