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An Investment

An Investment

On Wednecday, December 23rd, at the Elite Cafe, Lor Angeler, the Lumbermen of Loa ^Angeler are going to bring cmiles to the facer of rome three hundred and fifty orphan kiddiee, poor rurfortunete children without homes or parentr, rome of trhem pain racked, and all longing for a cheery word and the helping hand that it ir in our power to give. We will gather these children in our carr, qt the variou inrtitutions, take them to the Elite, and for two houru dl gitr the'nr ruch a feed and such a good time ar they have never had before. It will be knorrn ar a Hoo Hoo party and will be financed strictly by lumberrnen It coctr $f .OO per child.

.Will You Help?

Notices have gone out, telling you all about it; it you haven't receiveil one, here is the plan. Senil a checll to any of the Committeemen named below, f or iusl as many lTiildies as you n'ont. They are your children f or the two hours, In y:ar letter state if you will be on hanil with ltour car, anil if you can accommoilate the fuII number of your reservation. OR, state ,f il it impcssible for you to be on hanil so that we can mafte transporlation arrangemenls. ' Hare your reservation incluile a ticftet f or yourself. Then we wiII write and give you tuII insttuctions, telling you just where to go on that ilate and vhal to ilo.


H. L. Rosenberg, c/o Hipolito Co.

H. V. Hanson, c/o Calif. Panel & Vencer Co.

A. L. Hoove4 c/o A. L. Hoover.

Paul Hallingby, c/o Hammond Lumber Co.

L. J. Stanton, c/'o E. J. Stanton & Son.

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