1 minute read
have not moved
The City Fathers took it into their heads to give our street a new name, so, without moving our buildings or making a single change in the successful policies that we have adhered to for thirteen years and which have been the cause of our remarkable success, we are now Iocated on MYERS Street, instead of the old Street, Anderson.
Portland HoO Hoo tO Entertain GUs HoovER sHows REDwooD PICTURES
Fogr reels of motion pictures, showing the operation j n__r_- _r c_^r_-_-^ _ of the Pacific Lumber Company at Scotia, furnished a de-
Meeting with A. L. Porter of Spokane, secretary-manager of the 'western Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, the t:gl|* t:Y:t-t":,-Tt""tts entertainment for the Los Angenerat committee of the portland Hoo-Hoo club has *";","?l:"jt:--o^1t,tTtl::^",t::1^::::::T-Ti^tj1l,^ compreted their organization for entertaining the retailers ^^i-|.lY.li] rvhen they hold th"eir annual convention in ?ortland next company' was cnarrman' I ne plctures are lntensely lnterFebruary.
The portland Hoo-Hoo Club plans many novel features, detail of the woods operation, the descent of the logs down among which will be the ofiering of a number of valuable the mountainside to the log pond, and includes a trip attendance prizes for the visiting lumbermen. On the last through the tremendous plant at Scotia, showing the saw day an entire. carload of .ltigh-grade lumber, lath, sash and mill, planing mill, the kilns, shipping sheds and other indoors and -shingle.s contributed -by-conc-erns making a_ spe- teresting features. cialty of the various itenis, will be given away and the freijht p,"p"ia, to lhe rucky man', f"'J.- -' fr.WWWfr" :-?il::J:':H: number in attendance, and president 'iin-- LV Wick raised a little Christmas money by soaking fines lra.
[9" a monster party to be given to about three hundred orphan
N iH',t"iffi1'lr:,"*!i,?t'?:lu*.i,o.Ti1?l ," this issue.
N- children, at the Elite Cafe, on Wednesday, December 23rd.
And Its Products
N rhe urJ" in Lumber
I gr The lumberman is the public's goat, a miltion hands itch hll awful waste of treeless bumps; He fells the timber right and
L7 left, and seems to laugh at us, bereft of the trees our faNb -
Kn thers left behind, not because they were so kind, but be-
N ""ts'"'"fT;';!'?"Li'i,iil:'liXltl'. ross, but do not reatize
K. r'1*,,:{;,i'*;:#i:ff.i1#:tfiti3{,,fii*:*{:{
RBEST and LARGEST MILTS d o"rJf;A;':#j,".3T,11::i;,y'#il"*:ff:"".J *n."
N' \" start to roam; you'll learn that others cannot be dependent N Send us your Inquiries N on your charity. You will ask for some return, for the Li ' vut "'\'i'.."E" [S. y.itJ,:: fil,t ff :"ilii,'Ll*Jil,x'#"xfJ,'#:f'"1J,:'i?
\$ *",r, o*".
A. L. Hoover, Agt.N much worse. N c^-g.-^--:^-^ r ^^A--r^^ just a moment please, dear friend, think a while t.tore you spend. Do not buy the best you see, but prac-