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Durable, lasting WHITNEY FnevtBs
-for the builder to use!
'TWO COMPACT BUNDLES, plainly marked. Ten minutes I later a window frame ! And a frame that will last for years throughout the most severe weather exposure. That's what you have to offer the builder or contractor in Whitney Frames, made of fine old-growth, soft Douglas fir,+ cut vertical grain.
Accurately made with rnodern machinery and by expert millmen, Whitney Fr.-." fit exactly and save th; builde; time, labor and money on the job. Send for further information on Whitney Frames. You'll 6nd them real salesbuilders. Address-
Other Whitney Products of Douglos Fir t\re-
Individual frame parts, Casing, Baee and Interior Trim -cut to length or lineal run
-1esg[, sanded or dressed; High Grade Sash-knocked down or set up, straight car or mixed shipments. Rril
*Government tests show Tillamook (Douglas) fir the equal of eastern white pine in durability; superior to all western pines. It will not etain rtucco.