1 minute read
Don't be a Conundrum
The chrff you have to cell is comiderable of a puzde to tlrc average man, even when neatly and thbughtfutly .stored.
Becaure the retail lumber buriness hasntt reached a point where educated habit ma,kes the people see WHAT tT IS and WHAT lT DOES with the same glance.
Many commodties have been so advertised for so long that the public has been trained to think of the raw materials in terms of HUMAN SERVICE.
THAT is what the lumber industry is striving for, but hasn't arrived at yet.
There are too many lumber dealers remaining who hide the many good things they have for tfie public, behind blank walls.
Forest Trees Are Described In Free Booklet
A pocket-size booklet which lists and describes the common forest trees of Florida has just been published by the Florida Forestry Association in co-operation lvith the For-
General Sales Office
Red Cedar Shingles
Manufacturcd By
The deder who permits a solid rvall or an unbroken fence to border a strect on which there is valuable trafrc-human eyes to seeis rvasting hia opportunity.
Cut display windows into that wall. It makes the wall more attractive. It interestr the pasaer-by. It pleases him. It giver you a ctrance to show him what your lumber DOES.
Use fresh, attnctive displays in those windows. Use explanatory cards. A fresh, bright board 4 feet long, with the sign, "Here is tLat ahelf you need, just 45 cenis," will tell the pas_ser-by something of interest. You may not make much on the shelf, but you will have done a good advertising job for yourself.
Stop rnaking the public guess.
Dontt imake a conundrum of your business.
TI Service, United. States Department of Agriculture. Through the generosity of the Florida Forestry Association a limited supply of these tree guides will bi mailed free upon application to the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, \\rashington, D. C.