2 minute read
Is Your Service Station Standard?
How doee your building rervice rtation op erate, Mn Dealer?
How do you check up with a Standard Oil Service Station?
When yor/ epeak of .service, you SHOULD, in justice, mention the S,tandard gar and oil etations, as you find them around the country. There is a lesson in there stationc for any mercharrt, anywhere.
You &ive your car into one of theae etationr, and two young men in white come leaping to neet yotr.- The first thirg you get ie a cheery. wotd, and a "h"ery emile. EVERY TIME! Not iuet occasionally.
Crasoline? Sur.e! Ten gallons, Yes, Sir!
One of them gets right busy with the gasoline.
The other one fillr your radiator with water, fiipttr the first thing he does.
I-hc!, iryithout do you want, or will you have, oi'by.iour leavg he rtepe up'on the front of your running boand with a clean wet cloth in one hand, and a clean dry cloth in the other. Presto! Your windshield ia glistening.
Then; How about your oil? Shall I test the presnrrc in your tires? Is there anything else?
(Alwaye 36iling, mind you, and appanently over-anxiour to do something for youJ
Show one of tfrem a loose nut, or some other litde thing wrong with your carr and out com_er plyert, or wrench, and it'a quickly tightened.
Your change is quickly returned to you.
You have had quick, intererted, amazing service.
You are grateful
Almost anywhere else you go, when you get even_ the _most ondio""y and grudging rervice, the itchins pdm is alwayr in plain eightr_and you murt crooe it, if you wout-d be served again.
Here ir a care where you will gtaily give the tipr_because you have gotten -mu"-h-f* it, smilingln and in advance.
So you hold out the coin toward him;. He $eps back. Agsin the grin. No thank you. No tip. Another grin as you throw.in the c_lutch, still *ondcring about thet cervice, snd that tip.
That's Standard Oil Service, folks.
Wouldn't a little of that spirit go fine if incorporated into YOUR business, Mr. Lumber Merchant?
An agreement has just been entered into by the Pacific Gas and Electfic Company with the California State Forester and the l)istrict Forester, U. S. ,Forest Service. San Frincisco, covering the protection of 105,000 acres of the company's land within and outside the national forests of the -state._ The company turned over the protection of its lands to these two agencies on a cost basis under the terms of the compulsory state patrol larv. The agreement also provides for the company to handle fires on iny operating i..u u,ith no cost to the State or Federal government.
San Francisco
These concerns want your businessi
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Tolcphonc Suttcr 20&l