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19?,6 i,s full of Busines,r for YOA -feodon/
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-f-HE great business statistical institutionspoint I to t9z6 as a tsIG year for builders.
In almost every community there is need for more homes. More single family dwellings. Don't imagine building activity will miss T'O(/R community. Plan now to make tgz6 a big year for you. Every home built requires screen doorst Every home owner wants screens that will last as the rest of his house does. Sell him Hipolito Screen Doors in stock designs and sizes to meet all needsl
Anticitrrcte this demand! NOW ls the time to order for spring dellvery at today's low pricee.
Hipolito construction isffquality work all through

Soyears of manufacfi^tring screens arebackof ourproduct
Through these three decades we have constantly improved both product and method of manufacture. Every operation is absolutely standardized. This results in precision in every detail-close, accurate fitting. Lumber and raw materials enter our plant and move forward continuously withoutunnecessary handling. All of this serves to make better screens in the speediest, most economical manner possible.
Only Selected Calttomta Sugar Pine Ased
We long since standardized on California Sugar Pine, selected for its non-shrinking, nonwarping qualities-its ability to withstand extreme exposure to heat, wet and cold, as well as the excellent manner in
lor every need!
which it takes and holds paint andvarnish finishes.
Wbe Cloth WilI Not Pull Out!
On all Hipoltto Screen Doors the wire cloth is applied by machinery. This machine puts the wire on'underlven tension beneath the flush moulding. This has been our standard method for years. We have yet to receive our first complaint of the wire pulling out.
No better method of applying the screen wire cloth hasyetbeen invented. Being rolledinto the groove it is held under even tension in all directions.
Mail this Card TODAY. -a
I want to know more about HTPOLTTO SCREET DOORS -prlces, etc.