2 minute read
Quolity is always a, sotrr-rd ba,sis for buuing
Any business that builds onthe foundation of Quality- giving 100 cents in value for everydollar, is buildingcustomers' good will. It is on the road to success.
When thatmaximumof quality canbe accompanied by " most attractive price, success is certain.
The standardized factory methods of the Hipolito Coo,r' pany have resulted in prices on Hipolito ScreenDoors of Califotnia Sugar Pine th'at enable ydu to sell them at a profit and still meet the competition of less well made doors.
Calitornia Sugar Pine Makes the best Screqt Doors
No better materials are available than those used in Hipolito Screen Doors. Particularly is this true of the lumber. California Sugar Pine is used exclusively. All authorities agree that this is indeed the finest lumber for this purpos6. It is practically nlon-warping-does not shrink or check. It furnishes an ideal surface for paint or varnish work.
Study This Cornq Consttttctlon
Exhaustive tests and much study resulted in our adopting this corner. The consant slamming and banging a screen door must endure would soon loosen uD and sooil a less firmlv constructed up and spoil firmly corner. Note particulirly the relative sr;e of the hardwood dowels. These are set in waterproof glue-the parts fitted with machined accuracy and precision.
No Pork In Pig Iron
From the bulletin of the Chemical National Bank of New York City we boldly lift this gem: Mr. Rogers, a well-known lawyer of Chicago, filed an argument when he made application to register a trade-mark for "Limestone Brand," a cathartic medicine, which was denied by the Examiner in Trade-marks on the ground that it contained limestone-as though anybody would want to take limestone as a cathartic. When he wrote back and said it contained none, then they said it was deceptive. So he pre- pared a remarkable brief on the subject rvhich included the following statements:
_ "Ivo_ry is a good trade-mark for soap not of ivory. Gold Dust Washing Powder is not made of gold. Old Crorv Whiskey is not distilled from crou's. There is no bull in Eull Durham. Royal Baking Powder is not used exclusively by royalty, nor is Cream Baking Powder made of cream. Pearline contains no pearls. and White Rock is water.
"There is no grape in grape-fruit, or bread in breacl- fruit. A pineapple is neither pine nor apple; a prickly pear is_not a pear; an alligator piar is neiiher a pear nor an alligato_r, and a gggar plum is not .a plum. Apple-butter is not butter. All the butter is taken out of buttermilk and there is none in butternuts, or in buttercups, and the flies in the dairy are not butterflies."
W.. wond.er why the advocates of "misbranding,, cure-all legislation in the several states have never said a worcl gbouj the public deception involved in the common usage by the steel industry of the term "pig iron" when the"re is no pork in that l;asic commoditvi -
' 'Who is the Boss ?
"Who is the Boss ?"
"The Members of the Company ?"
"The Department heads ?"
"'Who is then ?"
"Why the Customer."
It's the Customer we are working for. He pays orrr. yag9s. If it were not for the Customer we .vould- all be looking for a_job and it might not be as good u on. ". *. have now. If you -se€ one of_ the complny coming ancl are in idleness, don't jump, unless there is somethirie teft undone; but if you see the real boss-The Customer"com_ ing-jump, and jump as if your life depended on it.This is the Keyn_ote of your value hire; namely: Satis_ factory service to Customers.-Selected.
Advertising Does-
Create good-will.
Help sell merchandise.
Guarantee sales.
Create quality demand and quality reputation. Create public confidence in merchandise, and confidence in the manufacture of it.
Better quality.
Establish and standardize manufacturing, trade and consumer practice.
Help solve production problems.
Help solve buying problems.
Have inspirational effect on organizations.
Compel competition to meet your standards of business and serve you.
BAGAC Flooring FOR

The Greatest Hardwood Flooring Value on the Market
A Dark Mahogany Color that will not show Dirt
As Durable as Maple
Long Lengths
Let us submit scmples and quotations.