1 minute read
Self-hardenlngi Shaper Steel
If you make your own spindle shaper knives we can supply you with high-grade self-hardening shaDer steel from shaper steel our large stock carried ln our Los Angeles Service Station. Bars fur-nished in-widths trom % in. to 4 in. and in tengths as long as 30 in. Mill-Rotled Bevet, uniform witlth. Placc your ordcr herb fdr quick service.
SIMONDS SAW AI{D KNIFE AGENCY llf Eut lnl 3t,' Lor An3ebr
It-ll Nrtonr 3L - Sen Francbco' Crllt
Lumber Lands
As the population increases the demand for lumber grows, yet the forests aie becoming fewer and smaller every year. The only great forests left in this country are found in Washington, Oregon, California, Mississippi and Louisiaha. In Germany no one can cut down a tree without planting another in its place, but in this country lumbermen can cut and slash willy nilly. A Washingon woodsman claims that his cutting record exceeds the shooting record of Buffalo Bill. To see a buffalo one must go to a game reservation. Will it be that way with forest trees ?
A. Times.
The Price Cutter
Tell me hot in smiling numbers, Selling costs are what they seem, And the man who cuts for orders Gets the lion's share of cream.
If you strive to build a buliness, Do not be a human sieveLetting leak your needed profit, Trusting luck will let you live.
Lives of dead ones all remind us What it means to sell on guess; Their departure makes us keener To sell right and not sell less.
For ho trade can long be loyal To a man who's all regretsCan't deliver whose just living On the interest of his debts. Blue Diamond Co's. "Bizz Whang".
Thc Long-Bell Lurnbcr Compeny rnnouncet thc purcherc of thc plert of thc Supcrior Oak Flooring Conpany et Helcna, ArLenrar.
\ltith thc acquirition of thir property Thc Long-Bcll Lurnbcr Company bccomer thc rccond lergcrt manufacturcr of ork llooring in tbc United Stetcr. Thc Supcrior plent war built about thrcc ycarr ago, thorou3hly modcrn in cvcty dctril. Itr.product har crtablirhcd an cnvirblc rGputetion undcr thc brend nrrnc ttSupcrior-Amcricrtr Fincrt.tt Thc renc hi3h rtrndrrdr of manufecturc rnd rcrvicc which Thc Lorg-1s11 Conpany cndcavorr to carry out in ell of itr opcrationr will prcveil at thc Supcrior phnt.