1 minute read
Dou3hr Fir Lunbcr rnd Tlnbcn; Southcrn Pino Lunbcr rad Tinbcrrl Crcorotcd Lunbor, Tiubrrr, Portr, Polor, Tiol rad Gurrd.Rril Portrg Pilln3; Soutlora Hedvood Lurnbor rnd Tlubrnl OrL Floorh3s Cellfotlir Wf,lto Pim Lurnborl Suh rnd Door4 Bor Shoolr.
We Present France With A Typical American Colonial Dwelling
The people of France are soon to have an opportunity to see a typical American frame dwelling house, of American architecture-the colonial of the eighteenth century-fur- nished in the best American taste and equipped wiih American plumbing, lighting, electrical applianies and. all the mechanical modernities that make housekeeping' in the United States utterly unlike what it is in Eurbpe--almost magical.
The American Committee of the Exhibition of Household Appliances and Labor-Saving Devices which is to be held at the Grand Palais in Paris during 1926, after accepting the invitation of the French Department of Public Instruction to offer an American exhibit. decided that the best.way to do it would be to erect a "100 per cent" American house and make it characteristically American in furniture, decoration and equipment. The idea met with prompt and c.ordial response among'those who were called upon 1o contribute substantially to its realization.
Keeping It White
H. G. Steele, president of the U. S. Electrical Manufacturing Company, attaches a white slip of paper to each 9h9ck -sent out by the Company, on which 1s-printed the following:
This check comes to you from a California manufacturing plant supporting some 550 people, who own and live in California homes. U. S. Motors aie manufactured in Cali- fornia. Other motors are mahufactured in the East.
If more California people will buy California-made U. S. Motors, the amount of our checks to you will be larger, and we can employ more people in our plant. This will help to "Keep the White Spot White."
Ask somebody to buy U. S. Motors-please.
Black-walnut trees bring higher prices to the farmer than any oth€r kind of timber. High-grade logs for making veneer and some parts of the black walnut tree, like s-tumps- with crinkle or ripple-mark figure, are in especial demand by the mi^lls, - -Last year farmers sold walnul logs worth more than $2,m0,000.
Steps Made To Save Largest Cedar Tree
Efforts to preserve Washington's largest cedar tree and 20 smaller trees adjacent are being made by the Washing- ton Natural Parks Association and the Wishington Aut6mobile Club. A fund of 92000 is being raised fo buy the trees from the North Bend Timber Clmpany. ooeratine near the base of Mount Tenerifie. The big tree has a cirl cumference three feet above the ground oi 5g feet, with a diameter at that height of 16 feet,-and is declared to be the largest cedar ever measured by forest authorities.
Ifiln and Air Dricd Uppen
Grccn Cllcan and Conmonr