2 minute read
Edna Jane Christeuon
Trinidad Amie Chrirtam
Sutiam Edwin Cbrbtenm
Barban Catea Cathqine G. Sudden
Dmthv Cahill Elruc Chrfuteruo
Edna Chrirtengon Charleg Chrirtem
A Perfectly Good Reason
You hit your husband with a chair?
Pray tell me why you did it, Mabel.
"I did it," sighed, the lady fair, "Because I could not lift the table."
It Evidently Worked
"We've got to give him something that will backfire on his nose and make him sneeze," said Dr. Auspice, called to treat the lumberjack. "Mix up a pint of linseed oil, a half cup of salt brine, some castor oil, and some red pepper. Let me know in the morning how he feels."
The next morning the camp foreman called the horse doctor on the phone.
"Lars sneezed last night," he siid.
"That's fine," said Dr. Auspice. "How many times?"
"Three," snorted the foreman. "Once before he died, and twice afterwtrr6s."-psschutes Pine Echoes.
The Yellow Bowl
Lily Long in "Atlantic Monthly', When first the Manchu came to power, A potter made this yellow bowl, With quiet curve and border scroll. And here inlaid the imperial flower. The peace of art was in his soul. Had not the Manchu come to power?
Upon a flaky, yellow base
That now is dull and now is bright, A flowering branch, a bird alight, Expressed his thought in formal grace. Had not disorder taken fight
And left for art a quiet place?
And then, the artist sense alight, He drew upon the yellow bowl
The symbol of the restless soul,A butterfly, in poised flight.
For Though The Manchu Is In Power
A Londoner speaks over the telephone.
"Yes, this is Mr. 'Arrison. Cawn't yer understand? 'Arrison ! Haitch, hay, two hars, a hi, a hess, a ho, and a hen !"
The one thought of every college man should be to be a public official without vice, a private citizen without wrong, a neighbor without reproach, a Christian without hypocrisy, a man without guile, submissive to law, obedient to authority, thoughtful, kind, and above all else, loyal to country and self.-Attorney General Sargent.
"The rapidly increasing divorce rate," said the wit, ..indicates that America is indeed becoming the Land of the Free."
"Perhaps," said his caustic friend. "But the continued marriage rate suggests that it is also the home of the brave."
It is a truism to say that the man who gives more value than the letter of his contract calls for is not going to have difficulty in getting another contract.-Printers Ink.
A "lowbrow" is a person who refuses to be bored if there's an exit close by.
Father: "Your new little brother has just arrived,"
Very Modern Child: "Where'd he come from?"
Father: "From a far ariay country.t'
Very Modern Child: "Another damned alien."
"Of all the things which wisdom procures for the happiness of life as a whole, by far the greatest is the acquisition of friendship. We ought to look round for people to eat with us, before looking for something to eat and drink: to feed without a friend is the life of a lion and a wolf."