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to Meet December 16
San Francisco wholesalers, manufacturers and manufacturers' representatives will meet to discuss plans for the formation of a wholesalers'association at the San Francisco Commercial Club on Wednesday noon, December 16. A need has been felt for some time for a wholesalers' and manufacturers' association to meet with the Lumber Committee of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association and the various regional associations for the discussion of the various problems that arise from time to time. At a meeting sponsored by the Lumber Committee a committee was appointed consisting of M. L. Euphrat, Wendling- Nathan Co., San Francisco; H. Sewall Morton, Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland; Henry Faull, Hamond Lumber Co., San Francisco, and J. Walter Kelly, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco. One meeting has been held by this committee at which Mr. Kelly u'as appointed temporary chairman.
Blue Book Expands Service
Chicago, Dec. 2.-The National Lumber Manufacturers Association has completed negotiations with the Credit Clearing House with executive offices in New York City whereby the Lumbermen's Blue Book service will be op- erated in conjunction with the Credit Clearing House throughout the country. This will give the Blue Book the advantage of offices in 30 leading cities of the U. S.; an additional staff of trained agency investigators and solicitors and a traveling adjustment service lvhereby debtors in any part of the country can be personally contacted on collection business placed with the Blue Book Collection Department
G. W. Dulany, Jr., Treasurer and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Blue Book says, "The year 1931 is proving to be the most successful in the history of the Blue Book. We have never experienced such a satisfactorv increase in subscribers and collection business as during the past ten months. The officers are pleased to be able to assure our old subscribers and those who have recently joined our ranks of an even better service than they have heretofore received. We are now in position to make immediate, personal and thorough credii investigations anywhere as well as to personally contact debtors on collection items. In completing these negotiations we are accomplishing the purpose for which the Blue Book was established, that of having within the industry itself an effective credit and collection service, believing that the industry itself should gather ancl disseminate credit information.
The Blue Book continues in the control of the industry and the same staff which has performed so remarkably in our expansion program will continue, being augmented by the staff and facilities of the Credit Clearing House and its branch offices. We intend to extend the Blue Book Credit Interchange service established in the regional associations, which is an exclusive Blue Book feature and which is recognized by experience(l credit men as the most valuable source of credit information available to any agency. We intend to establish report files in every branch office, but until this can be accomplished we will be able to reach any office by private wires immediately. Other important steps of interest to the lumbermen u'ill be announced later. This service will, we believe, prove invaluable to the lumber trade."
The executive headquarters will be continued in Chicago, with C. J. Morgan as the manager.