3 minute read
A9e not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less She Thousht She Knew Who, Also
The famous doctor was taken to a hospital for the insane to pass on a very important case.
The examination having taken more of his time than he had anticipated, he found on conclusion that he would be later than he had expected in returning to his office, and in order that his secretary might know when to expect him and so arrange his later engagements, he tried to call his office on the phone.
The connection was very slow and very poor, and finally he lost patience and spoke very sharply to the central lady. To his surprise she answered him after much the same manner. He swel,led with anger, and shouted into the phone:
"Young woman ! You don't know who I am, do you?"
"No," she replied, with an insult in every tone. ..But f know WHERE you are."
C. W. Buckner, Northern California representative of Harbor Plywood Corporation, Hoquiam, returned to San Francisco, December 5 from a visit to the factory. He also visited Portland and Seattle.
Frank Ransom New Head o[
Eastern and Western
Frank H. Ransom, formerly vice president and treasurer of the Eastern & Western l-umber Co., Portland, Ore., has been named president of this concern, succeeding W. B. Ayer who recently resigned.
K. H. Koehler, manager of the company, has been appointed vice president and manager, and Charles B. Dufiy has been appointed secretary-treasurer.
Mr. Ranibm has been associated with the company for 31 years, and Mr. Koehler has 26 years' service. Mr. Ayer was president of the Western Lumber Co. since it was organized 36 years ago and continued as president when fivas merged'with th-eJastern Lumber Co. in l%2'
Make-rp ol "Prcsperity Special"
In vierv of the many inquiries concerning the type of lumber products that made up the l7l-cat "P-rosperity Special" shipped by The Red River Lumber Company from their planl at Westwood, California, the following statement will be of interest:
Straight cars: lumber, 58; cut stock, 36; shook, 1O; sash and doors, 7; pine panels, 3; pine veneers, 1; hardqood panels, 1; moulding, 2; siding, 1; lath, 1; mixed cars, 51 ; total, 17l. The total footase was 4,350,000 board feet.
Consignees were lodate d in 2l states-California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Arizona, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, Tennessee. Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, New Hampshire.
Oni hundred and nineteen cars went east of Denver and 52 to points west. The variety of- products in this train is intereiting as showing the diversified output of- the-Westwood plait and the percentage of manufactured and semimanufictured items shows a favorable trend in the market.
Fir Grades and Grade-Marking
Douglas Fir grades and the West Coast Lumbermen's Associition poofram of grade marking were discussed by A. A. Kays.i ".tl Jason e. McCune of the Association at a special evening class meeting of 60 draftsmen, engineers "nd b,tild"ts pieparing for the State architects examination at Los Angeles bn N6vember 17. The class conducted by Mr. C. W. Cook, Licensed Surveyor, of Los Angeles, is devoting its present study to timber, steel and concrete deslgnlng.
Mr. Kayser, Association Grades Sup-ervisor in the California disirict, interpreted the WCLA No. 9 grading rules with a complete set of examples showing defects described in the ruleJ and illustrated the grades of B & Better, "C" Clear. Stru'ctural, Selected Common, No' 1 Common, No' 2 Common and No. 3 Common with examples for each grade.
- A timber test for the class was conducted by Mr. Cook at the Ravmond G. Osburne laboratories, I-os Angeles, on Novembei 24.A Douglas Fir beam 8x16 inches-7 f.eet "structural" grade was laid on a 6 foot 5l inch span and an ultimate load of 82,4@ pounds applied at the center before failure occurred.
Copies of WCLA No. 9 rules, technical bulletins on Struciural Douglas Fir and data on specifications of WCLA grade marks were furnished the class by Mr. McCune, Association Fieldman.
California Sales Agents for
Co. Floquiam, Vash.
Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co.
Abetdeen, Vaeh.
Prouty Lumber & Box Company

Varrenton, Oregon
Operating Steamers
W. R. Chamberlin, Jr. Stanwood . Phyllie - Barbara C. LOSANGELES
Fronk W. Trower