1 minute read
Time demonsfrafes the ilwability of California Pines
Since the days when California was Spanish territory 1[e pines of the Sierras, California White Pine and Sqgar Pine, have been used for building. Later the cabins of the '49ers were built of the 8am€ easy-working woods. On buildings that remain from those periods the roof shakes, window frames and siding, for the most part unpainted, are still as sound as when new.
"The argument that California climate is less destructive to woods than eastern climate is all wrongrtt writes Professor Emanuel Fritz of the Forestry Division of the University of California. "California has every single kind of climate that is found in the East and in the places where population is densest conditions favoring decay are more pronounced than in the East.tt
Durable building materials build sood rvill. The long'run economy of California pines is as favorable to the consum€r as the first-cost savings in the labor of fitting, nailing and painting.
"Producers of White Pine for Over Half a Century"
M. ADAMS Cirol,ado Mrh'gc
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