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Retailers Recommend Over-Roofing
Most of the retail lumbermen are alive to the advantages of over-roofing, the up-to-date method of applying new shingles over the old ones on a roof in need of repair, according to J. W. "Jack" Williams, se,cretary of the California Redwood Association.
"Over-roofing with California Redwood shingles has been proved to be practical and desirable," Mr. Williarns states, "and lumber dealers are recommending it to their prospects all over the ,country.
"One big advantage is the greater insulation against heat and cold given by the double layer of shingles, and the air spaces in between the layers. The insulation against summer heat can be measured by a thermometer, and dollars and cents are saved by the extra protection against heat loss in the winter.
"Another advantage is the saving in the expense and labor of removing the old shingles. The new shingles are nailed right over the old roof, and there is no litter of old shingles in the yard below.
"The house is protected from rain during the process of over-roofing, and when the work is finished the double roof gives double protection against damagg by hail, rain, snow or wind.
"Redwood shingles are light in weight, so that no strengthening of the roof is necessary.
"fn over-roofing the old shingles should be cut back at
Ghristmas Greetings from the Ghas. R. McGormick lumber Go.
For the reason that this year has been a better ye.ar for us all. . . the Christmas spirit we spread among ourselves should hold a deeper and happier meaning.
the eaves. On the rake of the roof they should be cut back about two inches, and a strip of Redwood 1"x7' S4S nailed in place so as to form a straight edge.
"As the old metal valley is usually deteriorated, furring strips should be laid in valley and new valley metal laid in place. Old ridge and hip shingles should be removed. Nerv flashings at chimneys, dormers and other necessary places should be installed. To simplify nailing position of sheathing should be located when shingles on rake are removed.
"A longer nail is necessary for over-roofing. The 5d hotdipped zinc coated nail is the right size to use. Since a roof made from wood shingles of any species can last only as long as the nails used in its constru,ction, it is important that proper nails be used."
Fred S. Palmer, manager of the Pine department, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, was back at his desk December 10 from a business trip to Los Angeles, where he conferred with Robt. Forgie, the company's representative there.
A. W. Shopke, Shopke & Burke Lumber Co., Mountain View, re'cently purchased his partner's interest in the busiNESS.