1 minute read
An Adequate Stock Alone Does Not Equip You To Accept RUSH ORDERS
You must FIRST pass on the credit. To do this safely you should always have current information right in your office on the credit standing of your customefs.
The Lumbermen's Credit Rating Service gives you this needed information as its credit rating book is Supplemented TWICE-AWEEK and therefore keeps you constantly posted'on the current credit rating of ALL carload buyers of lumber and allied products.
ft equips you to pass on a credit IMMEDIATELY, in nine cases our of ten, without.taking the time to get a special report. - That's why this service is so popular with lumbermen and others who sell the same trade.
Determine the value of this unexcelled system, by using the SUPPLEMENTED book on 30 DAYS APPROVAL-No Obligation. ltrTrite our nearest office.