2 minute read
Ten of The Years Ago Today
From the ftles California Lumbe, Merchant, Decem6er 15,1924
In the leading editorial, "Christmas," Jack Dionne says"The true spirit of Christmas is the spirit of loving kindness for all men and for all things; the exemplification of the feeling that it is 'More blessed to give than to receive.' Doing something for the other fellow is a fine way to put that spirit to work."
The market report states: "The year 1924 is drawing to a close. It has been a profitable twelve months for the lumbermen-retail and wholesale. On the whole it has been a good year."
Oakland building permits are expected to reach $31,000,000 f.or L924,942 permits were issued during the month of November at an aggregate cost of $2,1O4,74L, With the exception ol $75,7L4, the November permits are for new construction.
The building permits for San Francisco for the first eleven months of. 1924 exceed the record of any previous full year except 1907. The building permits f.or LX)7 to' taled $56,578,884 as against $52,333,942 for the firs.t eleven months of L924.
This issue carries an article with two pages of illustrations on the Pacific Door & Sash Company plant at Los' Angeles. ,t**
What is claimed to be the largest shipment of lumber by truck to one job in one day was made recently by a fleet of 115 trucks from the Terminal Island yard of the Hammond Lumber Company to the new Culver City race track. During the day 1,250,000 feet of lumber was landed on the job. ***
A circular published by the California White and Sugar Pine Association which contains valuable information regarding the Pines of California is reprinted in this issue.
The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo announces that a golf tournament and stag dinner will be held at the Wilshire Country Club, Los Angeles, on Friday, December 19. Frank Connelly is chairman of the golf committee.
"Determining Costs'r by A. W. Bernhauer, an address before the Millwork Institute of California, is published in this issue.
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Mark Lillard was the winner of a beautiful pair of golf clubs at a recent golf tournament held at the San Gabriel Country Club.
The J. M. Derr Lumber Co., Elk Grove, is building a large addition to their main shed and making other improvements around the yard. With the completion of the shed they will be able to store most of their stock under cover' rt*,1
J. Walter Kelly, Vicegerent Snark of the San Francisco Bay District, has announced the Bay District Nine for the coming year. The new Nine will include G. W. Fraser, J. E. Peggs, Fred Roth, J. E. Martin, L. A. Godard, E. P. Ivory, C. C. Stibich and R. E. Caldwell.
At a meeting of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco on December 8, Ben Reed announced that the Lumber Association of San Francisco and himself were offering to the regular members of the Club two prizes for the best article on the subject, "Suggestions for Improving Retail Sales Methods for Lumber in San Francisco." The article is limited to 50O words. First prize will be $50, and second prize $25. ***
The Cotati Lumber Co., Cotati, is building a new lumber office whcih will be attractive and modern in all details.
The total Fir and Redwood cargo receipts at Los Angeles Harbor for the month of November amounted to 143,00O,000 feet. ***
Total lumber shipments into San Francisco for the month of November, which includes shipments from Oregon and Washington, California coast ports and interior points, totaled 74,858,000 feet as compared to 67,445,W feet for the month of October.