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Born in Quebec, Canada, Harry W. Cole has had a prominent part in the development of the California Redwood industry for more than 26 years. His father was a lumberman, so it seemed natural that Mr. Cole after leavittg college should turn to the lumber business as a life vocation.

In 1908 he came to California as vice president and general manager oi The Little River Redwood Company, representing a group of

Canadian stockholders in that concern. He remained in that capacity until January, 1931, when The Little River Redwood Company was merged with the Redwood interests of the Hammond Lumber Company, forming the Hammond & Little River Redwood Company, at which

Dee Essley In Washington

D. C. Essley, secretary, Retail Lumber & Building Material Code Authority, San Francsico, left December 6 for Washington, D. C., to attend a meeting of the national executive committee of the Retail Lumber & Building Material Code Authority as proxy for Elmore King, National Code Authority member.

J. B. McKeon is taking Mr. Essley's place as acting secretary in his absence.

time he assumed the duties of vice president of the consolidated company, a position he still holds.

For ten years he was president of the Humboldt Stevedore Company of Eureka, the organization of the associated mills of Humboldt County.

He took a very active part in preparing an NRA Code for the Redwood industry, and many of his suggestions are embodied in the approved Code. When the Code became effective and the California Redwood Association was selected as the administrative agency for the Redwood Division, Mr. Cole was selected as president of the California Redwood Association and Code Executive for the Redwood Division.

He was married in Ottawa, Canada, and is the father of two daughters, Harriet and Claire. He lives in San Rafael, is of a studious nature, and does a lot of reading. He speaks French as a natural result of his early life in Quebec. He is a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason. His main hobby is trap-shooting, at which he possesses more than ordinary skill.

He is a director of the State Chamber of Commerce.

In his capacity as Code Executive of the Redwood Division he has had to spend a good deal of his time in Washington in connection with Code matters. This work coupled with his Redwood Association duties and his private interests make him a very busy man, but he has a large capacity for work and thrives on it.


Glenn M. Harrington, president, MacDonald & Harrington, Ltd., San Francisco, was back in his office December 10 after spending a week in Los Angeles on business.

Shingle Quota Again Increased

The Lumber Code Authority has added another 100,000 squares to the last quarter production quota for Red Cedar shingles, the second increase within a period of 30 days.

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