1 minute read
THIKBUT Strip Shinsles
Tffg THIKBLIf STRIP SHINGTE is a RealValue because it hasmanv features not found in ordinary asphalt shingles. Be sure to bring this outstanding shingle and its added feafures to the attention of your customers.
I Added Life-double layers ol asphalt and mineral surfacing on front -' part of shingle.
2. Aaa.a Beauty-deeper shadow lines and richer colors.
$. Added Weight-65/o of.the weight of the shingles is on the exposed area, the tabs, where it is needed most.
4. .naa.a Thickness-giving extra protection and smoother laying.
$. Added.$c.onopy-80 Thikbut Strip Shingles cover one sguare of roo{ area, wrth Iess labor anct lewer naus'